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Koichi, you have something shining within! I know because I've always been watching... And I... I like everything about you, Koichi.
~ Yukako confessing her obsessive love for Koichi.
If I ever find you getting too close to my Koichi again... I'll make sure you suffer the consequences...
~ Yukako threatening one of the school girls.

Yukako Yamagishi is a minor character in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, and the deuteragonist of the spin-off one-shot known as Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe Episode 8: Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

She is a student in the same school as Koichi but is introduced as an antagonist in the sixth story arc called "Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love". In the arc, she tries to get Koichi's attention and is willing to do anything to do so even if it's attempted murder. After her defeat, she calms down her behavior and becomes more of a decent person.

She is voiced by Mamiko Noto in Japanese and Faye Mata in English.

Her Evil Ranking[]

Her Villainous Deeds[]

  • She stalks Koichi Hirose and enforces her strange behavior towards him without giving an explanation.
  • She attempted to murder a student (a student who constantly berates Koichi), by using her stand to light her head on fire and bind her tongue so that she can't scream. Luckily, Okuyasu Nijimura uses his Stand, The Hand, to save her.
  • After hearing "negative rumors" about Koichi and his bad grades (rumors that were made by Josuke Higashikata and Okuyasu to help Koichi drive Yukako away), she literally kidnaps him and tries to improve him without his consent.
  • Yukako kept him confined in a rich man's villa and refused to let him leave, and she cuts the wire connected to the phone so that Koichi doesn't call for help.
  • She tries to get Koichi to love her by force. And she goes as far as to attempting to feed him with objects that aren't food if he failed or cheated while studying, putting a lock on the bathroom door that could only be solved with historical trivia, and attempting to use an electric chair built out of scrap material for studying. She even put strands of her hair/Stand within Koichi's scalp to control him, which would force Koichi to cut his own hair in order to break free.
  • Yukako even went so far to try to murder Koichi, due to him still refusing her offers and affection. Due to her psychosis, Koichi was reluctant to call the police not because he was in danger, but because the officers would have been in danger of being murdered by Yukako's stand.
  • (Manga Only) Even in the process of redeeming herself, she is still quite selfish as she cuts in line for a taxi, ties a man's hand to a pole for confronting her for cutting (though she lets him go afterwards), and she causes a mass car collision with at least 6-7 cars piling up on each other, and she blames it on the traffic lights.
  • She attacked and tried to kill Aya Tsuji for deforming her face and other features of her body that Aya's Stand known as Cinderella applied, and those that weren't applied, due to her for supposedly breaking the rules of fate. (To be fair, Yukako simply forgot to apply the makeup that made her look beautiful, so her anger was kind of justified)

Why She Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • Despite her unique crime of torturing Koichi both physically and psychologically, she still fails the high heinous standard to characters like Yoshikage Kira and Angelo Katagiri, whose actions are far worse than hers.
  • She is genuinely insane, as in her own twisted way, she thought that her actions were genuinely helping Koichi, up until Koichi defeats and saves her.
  • After her story arc, she genuinely feels remorseful for her actions, and Koichi saving her from falling to her death despite her actions actually inspires her to become a decent person (with her claiming that Koichi saved her from herself in the English dub). This causes her to respect Koichi's privacy and feelings, thus redeeming herself.
  • Through her second story arc, she finally gains Koichi's affection and establishes a true, genuine relationship with him. And she does so by respecting his feelings and boundaries, as well as showing remorse for the past not through words, but through her actions.
  • Despite starting off as a yandere, Yukako subverts that trait and grows to genuinely love Koichi, and she realizes that her toxic behavior is the reason why Koichi refused to go out with her.
    • Even though she had Aya's stand, Cinderella, use her ability to influence both her and Koichi, it wasn't enforced brainwashing or anything like that, as Yukako still respected his privacy and feelings even after Aya no longer played a part in it, as she didn't want him to approach her at all when her face deformed. Yukako was indeed arrogant and quite impatient during the Cinderella Arc, but she still made an attempt to become a better person.
    • In the end of the arc, she learned to put her emotions aside and to trust Koichi with what he would do when choosing her face, knowing that he was more rational than her.
    • Overall, she learned to stop trying so hard to change others, as she needed to change herself instead.
  • She was distraught to hear of Shigekiyo Yangu's murder at the hands of Yoshikage Kira, with her saying that it was horrific.
  • She is shown to get along with Josuke and Okuyasu.
  • Once Kira is defeated, Yukako joins the others in bidding Reimi Sugimoto and her dog Arnold farewell as they ascend to Heaven.
  • She also subverts her quality of being selfish by trying to get Rohan Kishibe to help Mai Katahira, a friend of her mother's, by curing her daughter Mao of any deformities with Heaven's Door in Thus Spoke Rohan: D.N.A, and this had nothing to do with Koichi. Although this fails, she didn't give up as she helped give clues to the whereabouts of the girl's true father, which results with her parents meeting, forming a bond, and eventually marrying.
  • She promised to protect Koichi from any ghosts/vengeful spirits while she was listening to Rohan tell his story about his encounter in Italy in Thus Spoke Rohan Episode 16: At A Confessional.


  • Her initial design and personality was inspired by the main antagonist of Stephen King's horror novel Misery, Annie Wilkes (who is Near Pure Evil). Though she became her own character when Koichi saves her.
  • Yukako is considered the first yandere in manga, and indeed defines many of the tropes of the character archetype. As such, she plays a part in the existence of other yandere characters, such as Ren Yamai, Himiko Toga, Yuno Gasai, Monika, Esdeath, etc.
  • A popular fan theory circulating around her is that she is the descendent of Bruford, a minor antagonist from Phantom Blood. Though it may be kind of unlikely since she's Japanese and doesn't seem to have any slight British background whatsoever, they both use their hair to fight off any threats towards them, and they are also pretty wrathful. But both of them do redeem themselves after being humbled by two heroes that are Pure Good: Jonathan Joestar and Koichi Hirose.

External Links[]


           JoJo's Bizarre AdventureTitle Villainous Benchmarks

Phantom Blood
Wang Chan

Battle Tendency
Wamuu | Rudol von Stroheim | Straizo

Stardust Crusaders
Enya Geil | Hol Horse | Steely Dan | N'Doul | Pet Shop

Diamond is Unbreakable
Keicho Nijimura | Yukako Yamagishi | Yoshihiro Kira

Golden Wind
Formaggio | Illuso | Pesci | Melone | Ghiaccio | Risotto Nero | Secco
