Former Villainous Benchmarks are for villains who initially don't stand out but later were approved as Pure Evil, Near Pure Evil or Inconsistently Heinous, put in the Moral Scaling Purgatory, or being cut from the Villains Wiki.
This list shows why they were initially the majority of the villains before becoming the minority.
NOTE: Not all villains here need to have a page here initially. Some may start off as failing the standards in their story but would later stand out more even without a page on here. |
Former Villainous Benchmarks
Villainous Benchmarks that are now Pure Evil
- Absolute Solver from Murder Drones: It's possible unknown to be standard it was pointed out its MEHs, I don't know how to say this, but it stands out loud and clear to be Complete Monster.
- Anti-Monitor from Crisis On Infinite Earths: It was decided that his actions of endangering the lives of the people of existence don't suffer from too much Fridge Horror.
- Arthur Watts from RWBY: Originally thought to fail the in-story heinous standards, it was decided that him trying to nearly cause Penny to commit suicide by hacking her so that she would self-terminate after a while, he was enough to push him over to Complete Monster after he's re-approved.
- Bill Sykes from Oliver & Company: Initially thought to be a generic ākill the heroesā villain and failed the heinous standards of the Disney universe, it was later discussed that he has far less resources in comparison to Scar, Frollo, Shan Yu, Syndrome and Lotso and the movies aren't connected to a single multiverse. Even so, he manages to stand out due to kidnapping a little girl, threatening to feed her to his vicious attack dogs, and talking on the phone to an unknown criminal about how to torture their victims.
- Black Phillip from The Witch: He is believed to have thought too controversial to be morally scaled at all, and he isn't nearly heinous enough for Moral Scaling Purgatory. He stand out enough to be Pure Evil.
- Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians: She was originally thought to be unaware that the puppies she tried to kill were sapient, making her fail to Bessie the Cornish Cow. However, upon reexamination by considering the TV series 101 Dalmatian Street canon, it was revealed she does know the animals are sentient but doesn't care, allowing her to be Pure Evil.
- The Dark Lord from Animator vs. Animation: In his first appearance, he failed the Heinous Standard to the Chosen One due to just supporting him. After his return years later, however, he managed to out heinous the Chosen One by seeking to claim countless lives across the entire Internet.
- Dr. James Sheridan from Meta Runner: In Season 2, he was bog-standard. In Season 3, he finally passes the in-story standard for killing each other.
- Evelyn Claythorne from Meta Runner: In Season 2, she was bog-standard. In Season 3, she finally passes the in-story standard for killing a child.
- Ganon (Downfall Timeline) from The Legend of Zelda: He was originally thought to have fail the franchise's heinous standards and be affected by his tragic past, but upon analyzation, he subverts his redeeming qualities in the Downfall timeline, and it was decided that his act of trying to merge the Dark and Light Worlds was enough for him to pass the heinous standard.
- General Grievous from Star Wars: He had too little screentime and evil deeds in Revenge of the Sith, but The Clone Wars shows how monstrous and cruel he is.
- Harley Sawyer from Poppy Playtime: He was thought to be standard "Kill the Heroes" villain, until it was pointed out that he quite literally crossed the Moral Event Horizon (with no redeeming qualities), end of story.
- High Priestess (Pacific Rim): Thought she was a generic "Kill the Heroes" villain, until it was pointed out that she quite literally crossed dozens of MEHs as she kills dozens of jaegers.
- It/IT from Stephen King's IT (2017): It was originally thought to be a generic cosmic entity whose worst crime was just trying to kill the heroes. However, it was discussed and agreed that its personal form and its villainy is treated as emotional abuse in-universe and it has one of the highest kill counts of any villain who appeared in film series of Stephen King since it killed thousands of people. By extension, its way of trying to kill its victims was pretty brutal given it almost brainwashed them alive with the Deadlights, and it especially had less resources than villains like Crimson King, Maerlyn, and Randall Flagg. Therefore, it was moved to the Pure Evil Wiki.
- Jafar from Aladdin (2019): Was initially thought to rely on too much Fridge Horror. Even if it was given some context, he still massively fails the high Heinous Standards of the Aladdin franchise. His bog-standard may pass the "kill-the-heroes" baseline standard aforementioned to be approved as Pure Evil.
- John Ratcliffe from Pocahontas: He was thought to fail the system standard and that he was too comedic, with his worst action of attempting genocide on the Natives being common for that time, but when a reproposal pointed out that his genocide actually stood out and that his comedic moments weren't detracting from his villainy, he was approved as PE.
- Joker (Injustice Film): Thought to be a bog-standard. But after his re-examination it was decided that he stands out.
- King Runeard from Frozen: Originally, Runeard was insufficiently heinous with his worst crime of attempted genocide being vague and that his true intentions of building the dam was unclear, and thus is insufficiently heinous. However the book, Dangerous Secrets fleshed out his crimes more, showing how much of an abusive father and husband he was, and how deadly his war with the Northuldra was with loads of casualties, and that any Northuldra will be killed on sight.
- Kronika from Mortal Kombat 11: She believed to have lacked a bog-standard, but it was pointed out that she restarted the timeline many times, killing countless people in the process. She is now standing out enough to be completely purely evil.
- Light Yagami from Death Note both Manga and 2006 film series: Was believed to have had a sympathetic death that established him being a WIE and seemingly remorseful, but it was pointed out that this was nothing more than Light pathetically begging for his life when he realized he was at deaths door, and was otherwise an unrepenant narcissist who is only acting out of a god complex. The real sympathy of his death scene only comes from the reactions of other people such as Soichiro Yagami and Misa Amane than light dying.
- Lockdown from Transformers: Age of Extinction: Thought to have suffered from Fridge Horror, but then it's been discussed that millions of humanity turning on Autobots keeping mankind is not and he actually wants to track them all over the world. Due to this, Harold Attinger is also a new Pure Evil candidate as he's the one that is required in an attempt to kill millions and turning the humanity against Autobots for him.
- Lord Commander from Final Space: He was initially thought to be a generic "kill the heroes" villain until it was pointed out that he quite literally crossed the Moral Event Horizon (with no redeeming qualities) as he betrays Invictus in favor of becoming a Titan and then murdering Bolo right after that.
- Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter: In the Original trilogy, his actions were originally Fridge Horror. Soon after the release of extended media, including the Prequel trilogy, his fridge status was removed.
- General Mandible from Antz: He initially was believed to have standards. But his moral agency is clear that General Mandible stands out with his own ant colony flood tries to kill millions of his own ant kind.
- Haman the Agagite from The Bible: He has been approved a new Pure Evil Villain.
- Odalia Blight from The Owl House: She was originally just an emotional abuser with one attempted kill under her name, despite having massive resources. However, she was later revealed to be knowingly supporting an attempted genocide, thus allowing her to pass.
- The Overlord from Ninjago: Master Of Spinjitzu: He was believed to lack moral agency for being the manifestation of evil and darkness. But upon re-thought he does have moral agency beacuse Garmadon was corrupted by him through the Great Devourer, the implications regarding him being an Oni, after absorbing the power of creation (a power of good) he still uses it with no problem and also despite the fact that he is necessary to keep the balance he intends to destroy the balance between Light and Dark showing that he does have moral agency. He is already stands out enough to be PE.
- Qu from All Tomorrows: As they're a hive mind with no individual minds within it, they're not a species as they were long thought to be, and therefore are easily able to qualify as Pure Evil.
- Queen Grimhilde from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Initially thought to be a generic kill-the-hero villain, it was later pointed out that the skeletons she had in her dungeon are confirmed to be killed by her due to her quote "Thirsty? Have a drink!" to a skeleton, allowing her to pass the Kill-The-Hero baseline.
- Red Death from How to Train Your Dragon: The character that he was thought to rely too many much fridge horror has been qualified as PE and therefore can't be considered a VB. He stands out enough to qualify.
- Ren Sohma: It was initially believed that her actions were too bog-standard, and she also possessed genuine love for her late husband Akira. However, upon closer inspection, her emotional and mental abuse towards Akito had a devastating impact as it led to her daughter becoming a controlling and abusive matriarch towards the Zodiac members, as well as the fact that her love for Akira is merely more than an obsession and trying to murder both her daughter and later on her grandson, thus qualifying her as Pure Evil.
- Roman Bridger from Scream 3: Thought to never realize the killers were separate films. However, it was then pointed out that he did eventually know but he did not care.
- Scar from The Lion King: He thought to have failed the heinous standard, but now it was pointed out that he stands out enough due to throwing his brother Mufasa into the gorge to be trampled to death in the stampede he caused, as Simba watches in horror. To make things worse, he even manipulated Simba into believing he killed his own father.
- Scarecrow and Doomsday from Injustice: They have been presumed to be approved as PEs.
- The Scorpion King from The Mummy Returns: It was thought to had have much worse, that his worst crimes were relying on Fridge Horror too much to stand out. But it was found out according to the Word of God, The Scorpion King faces both Imhotep and Rick O'Connell that he does stand out enough for Pure Evil known as the Complete Monster.
- Scroop from Treasure Planet: He was initially thought to be a generic "kill the heroes" villain until it was pointed out that he quite literally crossed the Moral Event Horizon (with no redeeming qualities) as he brutally killed Mr. Arrow by cutting his lifeline in half, sending him falling into a black hole. He did this solely because he reprimanded him for attempting to kill Jim, which is an unbelievably petty excuse. Also, his intentions of killing all the non-pirates on the ship (consisting of Jim Hawkins, Captain Amelia and Delbert Doppler) was overlooked at first.
- Shang Tsung and Quan Chi from Mortal Kombat: They were initially thought to be a generic "kill the heroes" villains until it was pointed out that they are quite literally crossed the Moral Event Horizon (with no redeeming qualities) from 1st 2nd and 3rd of this timeline. They did not write about the part when Kronkia was restarting the timeline many times, killing countless people in the process. Also, their intentions of killing all the non-villains in this timeline (consisting of Johnny Cage, Scorpion and Sub-Zero) was overlooked at the first and third of this timeline.
- Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat: He was initially thought to be a generic "kill the heroes" villain until it was pointed out that he quite literally crossed multiple Moral Event Horizons (with no other redeeming qualities) as he brutally and fatally invading several other realms, including Earthrealm, causing billions of deaths in the process.
- Shere Khan from The Jungle Book (2016). Was initially thought to be bog-standard. However, upon reexamination, it was decided that the baseline was low enough for him to pass due to killing Mowgliās father and gaining a reputation for being a violent psychopath.
- Shinnok from Mortal Kombat: Originally thought to have suffered from too much Fridge Horror, it was decided that his envisioning Earthrealm engulfed in flames would likely result in a lot of deaths, meaning he just barely passed the baseline and stood out enough to be PE (but not until he told them exactly what will happened after he was proven heinous enough to be PE due to standing out compared to Shao Kahn whose crimes were more cleared but eventually his lack of worst crimes). He is a powerful weapon, a natural netherrealm leader for another heinous deed of the Shinnok, he threatened this existence that he would corrupt Raiden into Dark Raiden once his usefulness expires, giving his some personal villainy towards Raiden.
- Simon Wens from Papers, Please: Was initially thought he suffered from Fridge Horror and his lack of confirmed children murdered made him bog standard, until it was pointed out he is bad enough to make the front headline in the newspaper with his kills, as well as his actions having a big impact due to having an entire subplot around him and his crimes, allowing him to pass the baseline.
- Skar King from Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire: He thought to have failed the heinous standards. But later pointed out his Moral Event Horizon that he does quite crossed 7 MEHs doing his work enslaving the entire apes in the hollow earth. That leads him to stand out enough to be Pure Evil.
- Smaug from The Hobbit Trilogy: While in Peter Jackson movie thought to be an high standards, he's decided that he should pass the baseline that he has enough villainous deeds to stand out to be Complete Monster.
- The Soldier from Civil War (2024): In his initial appearance, he is shown tossing the lifeless bodies of numerous innocent people into a pit. Originally, his role in the killings was unclearāwhether he was directly responsible or was merely an accomplice. However, upon closer examination of his dialogue with Bohai and Jesse, it became evident that he was responsible for the mass murder, and was approved PE.
- Steven Erickson from Invincible: It was initially thought that he failed the in-story standards due to his low victim count and he was believed to be a well-intentioned extremist because his crimes were done as part of government work. However, it was later agreed that his experiments on children were unique enough for him to stand out given how he was placing them in a fate worse than death, and, although he works for the government, he isnāt presented as altruistic in any way so that isnāt redeeming.
- Stu Macher from Scream: Initially thought to be a bog-standard killer and too comedic along with having numerous redeeming traits, it was pointed out that his kills were some of the most brutal in the franchise along with planning a second killing spree, his comedic moments didn't detract from his villainy and his so-called redeeming qualities weren't genuine.
- Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat (2021): He is thought to be generically a "Kill-the-heroes" villain, making him bog-standard. That he failed the heinous standards, then he too much relied on Fridge Horror. It was decided that he stands out enough for PE.
- The Ink Demon from Bendy and the Ink Machine: Initially thought to be simple tragedy, it was later realized that he faked his own tragedy and he has enough moral agency to hang out casually with his followers. His tragedy was also disproven as he cowardly abandoned his suffering and feign tragedy to be faked.
- The Underminer from The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer: He thought to believed that he failed the heinous standard, but he is stands out enough to be approved as Pure Evil.
- Thrax from Osmosis Jones: He was believed to have thought to be a standard "Kill the heroes" villain, until it was pointed out that he crossed 2 Moral Event Horizon (with no redeeming qualities) as he triggered a Cytokine Storm which nearly killed Frank and doomed all microscopic life inside him to extinction.
- Thumper from A Bug Life: Initially thought to be simply Hopper's feral attack dog who only acted under his orders and was loyal to him, it was later realized that he has enough moral agency to hang out casually with other grasshoppers and doesn't fail to Hopper because of how sadistic he is, with other grasshoppers even needing to hold him back from killing multiple ants. His loyalty was also disproven as he cowardly abandoned Hopper.
- Venom from Spider-Man 3: He was presumed to have been bog standard and cared for Gwen. However, it was shown that he is possessive of Gwen and doesn't care when she falls to her death and tried to rape Mary Jane. Not to mention he brutally killed agents leaving behind blood.
- Vontra from The Wild Robot: She was thought to be a standard "Kill the Heroes" villain robot, but her endangered kill count was high enough for her to count, especially since she knows the animals she tries to kill are sentient, and all but one of them have not done anything to ROZ. It also helped that she is the only villain in the movie to be aware of the animals' sapience as her robots and her artificial army did not know that the animals they intended to kill were sapient, making Vontra the most heinous villain in the movie overall in DreamWorks history.
- Wat Tambor from Star Wars: He lacks a personality and character in the original trilogy films. In The Clone Wars, he shows how cruel he can be.
- Water Street Butcher from The Poughkeepsie Tapes: Initially, it was believed that the film was pure shock value. However, it turned out that the film has a message.
- The Witch from Animator vs. Animation: She was originally thought to be a standard "Kill the Heroes" villain, but after it was brought up her slavery of Blue was enough to make her stand out, she became PE.
Villainous Benchmarks that are now Near Pure Evil
- Adam from Hazbin Hotel: He thought to have failed the heinous standards but given that he's a sadist who is responsible for the genocide of demons and has been doing it for a very long time, it was decided that he stands out enough for NPE.
- Alice and J from Murder Drones: Ultimately, they were thought to be tools for the Solver that failed their standards to it even with the resource difference, as all their worst crimes are either aiding it in its goals or doing what it told them to. It was then pointed out that both are bidding for complete destruction of drones and planets of all life. Thus, they stand out enough to be qualified both NPEs.
- B.P. Richfield from Dinosaurs: At first, he was just a jerkish boss to Sinclair, but as the series went on. He slowly became more villainous by doing very heinous crimes such as eating other dinosaurs, but he become a 100% full on NPE in the final episode, when he made all dinosaurs go extinct without showing any remorse whatsoever.
- Bane from The Dark Knight Rises: He thought to be bog-standard. However, it was pointed out that he stands out due to savagely beating up and crippling Batman before imprisoning him in the Pit to torment him psychologically, so he was disqualified from bog-standard.
- Biff Tannen (1985A) from Back to the Future Part II: Unknown, but he stands out enough to be NPE.
- Big Jack Horner from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: He was presumed to have been bog standard and cared for his henchmen. However, it was shown thought that he is possessive of his henchmen and doesn't care when they falls to their deaths and tried to to use the Wishing Star to absorb all magic while knowingly risking the destruction of the world. Not to mention he brutally shot and killed his own men.
- Billy Loomis from Scream: He initially thought to be a bog-standard killer and too comedic along with having numerous redeeming traits, it was pointed out that his kills were some of the most brutal in the franchise along with planning a second killing spree, his comedic moments didn't detract from his villainy and his so-called redeeming qualities(with the exception of his love for his mother) weren't genuine.
- Captain Flint from Treasure Planet: Thought to have relied on Fridge Horror too much, so he was decided that he'll lack up some weight, but stood out enough to be Near Pure Evil.
- Chauncey the Bear from Imaginary: While he did kill Gloria and kidnapped children his rely on Fridge Horror as it's unknown if he tortured them in the Never Ever realm. It would have seen to been standing out to be Near Pure Evil.
- Circus Baby and Funtime Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's: They were both thought to be bog-standard. However, it was pointed out they put Michael Afton in a brutal fate worse than death - on top of them explicitly trying to murder numerous children.
- Diesel 10 from Thomas and the Magic Railroad: Was initially thought to be bog-standard. However, upon reexamination, it was decided that the baseline was low enough for him to pass due to crossing Moral Event Horizon and gaining a reputation for being a violent psychopathic diesel train.
- Dr. Eggman from Sonic the Hedgehog: In the Death Egg saga, his actions originally relied fridge horror. In Adventure, however, he plans on detonating Station Square, and threatened the destruction of the world in Adventure 2, thus making him heinous enough for Near Pure Evil. Eventually, in Sonic Colors and Lost World, he becomes too comedic to be NPE. However, with the recent confirmation that the IDW Sonic comics, along with all of the horrific events he caused in them are part of the the mainline Sonic games' canon, his comedic moments and Pet The Dog moments no longer detract entirely. He is also shown to have subverted several standards starting from Sonic Forces and him teaming up with the heroes is 100% for self-serving reasons according to Sonic Frontiers. As a result, his statuses on both VB and IH were both removed.
- Eris (Sinbad): Thought to be bog-standard. But after re-examination it was decided that she stands out.
- Groilla Grodd from Injustice 2: Thought to have suffered from Fridge Horror, but then it's been discussed that most earth's humans turning into actual slaves is not and he actually wants to take over the world. Due to this, Joker is also an Near Pure Evil candidate as he's the one that is required to taunt insurgency in their dreams and turn them into slaves for him.
- Grem and Acer from Cars 2: They believed that thought to be a "Kill-the-Heroes" villains, making them bog-standard. He stands out to points out that they blowed up a lot of car engines of the World Grand Prix Racers.
- HernƔn CortƩs: It was thought that his crimes were relying on Fridge Horror too much to stand out. But it was found out that he does stand out enough for Near Pure Evil.
- Hester Ulrich from Scream Queens: Was initially thought to fail the heinous standards, but she did some pretty nasty murders and temporarily framed other people for the murders.
- The Intelligence from Virus (1999): It was originally thought to be a generic alien overlord whose worst crime was just trying to kill the heroes. However, it was moved to Near Pure Evil Wiki.
- Joker and His main universe counterpart from Injustice: They were believed to have thought to have failed the Heinous Standards, until it was decided that their exploding Metropolis engulfed in nuclear wastes would likely result in a lot of deaths, meaning they just barely passed the baseline and stood out enough to be NPEs.
- Josef Heiter from The Human Centipede: He was originally seen as coming from a work that relied on pure shock value. When it was pointed out that the first film wasn't complete shock value and had genuine heroes, he was approved as NPE.
- King from Deltarune: He was seen as a standard tyrant who relied on Fridge Horror due to his genocidal intentions being too ambiguous. After it was brought up he threatened to kill dozens of his own men and still had horrible intentions for the Lightners (even if they weren't fully expanded on), he became NPE.
- Light Yagami from Death Note (Anime): He was thought believed to be an Vigilante relying on too much Fridge Horror, but it was pointed out that this was nothing more than Light pathetically begging for his life when he realized he was at deaths door, and was otherwise an unrepenant narcissist who is only acting out of a god complex. The real sympathy of his death scene only comes from the reactions of other people such as Soichiro Yagami and Misa Amane than light dying.
- Lord Dominator from Wander Over Yonder: She was thought that she isn't Pure Evil enough to rely on her Fridge Horror, but her minor prevention is comical because she planning on destroying the galaxy and everyone in it for fun. She stands out enough to be Almost Pure Evil.
- Mickey Altieri from Scream 2: Initially thought to be a generic kill-the-hero villain, it was later pointed out that the standards he had in his theatre are confirmed to be killed by him due to his quote "Don't you know history repeats itself?" to a standard, allowing him to pass the Kill-The-Hero baseline.
- Michael Myers from Rob Zombie's Halloween remake duology: He was thought he is too tragic to be Near Pure Evil, so re-qualifies Near Pure Evil to stand out enough.
- Monty de la Cruz: Initially he came off as a generic bully in Season 1 who already did not do much compared to other characters more responsible for Hannah's suicide, especially Bryce. However, in Season 2, he committed multiple vile atrocities to cover up Bryce's rapes without even being ordered by him, allowing him to easily stand out.
- Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat (Alternate Timeline): he was thought to have massively failed the heinous standards. But due to his passings of his baseline may be stands out enough to be NPE.
- Penguin, Two-Face, Poison Ivy and Dr. Jason Woodrue from Burton and Schumacherverse: They was initially thought to be a generic "kill the heroes" villains until it was pointed out that they quite literally crossed the 3 Moral Event Horizons (with redeeming qualities, only Two-Face not every 3 villains has a redeeming qualities) but they literally got it, Since Poison Ivy's disqualified PE and thinking she may re-qualifies herself as NPE.
- Phineas T. Ratchet and Madame Gasket from Robots: They had enough standard "Kill the heroes" villains as they are genocidal when scrapping the metals and foolish when Rodney Copperbottom let those fights against them. Each other did stand out.
- Quintesson High Commander from Transformers One: He thought was far too bog-standard and undefined to be Pure Evil as he's mostly a screeching beast. However, he revealed him self to Sentinel can converse and make deals with him, and he is implied to have no tolerance for failure and is greedy for energon, what personality that could even be derived is far too minimal to offset how he is primarily beast-like in portrayal.
- Rattlesnake Jake from Rango: He was a Villainous Benchmark due to the thought that he never intended to use Tortoise John. However, he was reapproved as Near Pure Evil because he willingly tried to expose Rango, but spared his life for him and his girlfriend Beans.
- Regime Superman from Injustice: He was thought to be a standard "Kill the Heroes" villain, but he were determined was enough for them to count. In good ending they tried to kill Brainiac and Batman. In bad ending they killed Brainiac and bond him just for Superman by brainwashing Batman into his servant. The Flash believed that Superman crossed his Moral Event Horizon.
- Rolando from Helluva Boss: While he stands out just enough to count as Near Pure Evil due to his unique crimes and limited screentime, and therefore he easily able to qualify as Near Pure Evil.
- Ronan the Accuser from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: He thought was already approved as PE and being moved him back to VB, but he stands out as NPE to re-qualify himself for his minor preventions. He swore that he rejected PE. Thanos will be foolish not to take him at his word.
- Roscoe and DeSoto from Oliver & Company: It was thought they failed to a bog standard villain, but they were approved after their boss became pure evil and it was discovered that they took sadism in following his orders.
- Ruber from Quest for Camelot: It was decided that his actions of endangering the lives of the people of Camelot don't suffer from too much Fridge Horror.
- Scorpion from Marvel's Spider-Man: Was initially thought to fail the heinous standards too hard with most of his crimes being done under Doctor Octopus's orders. However, it was revealed that he had tortured and killed countless people before the events of the game on his own accord, poisoned and mind-raped Peter Parker and Miles Morales to subject them to extremely severe mental torture and intended to kill all the civilians of New York by poisoning the city's primary water supply, so he managed to stand out and pass the baseline. Despite this, he still fails to not only Doc Ock due to the latter ordering his worst act, but also Screwball who endangered her fans with bombs on 2 rooftops and was willing to destroy half of New York to spite Spider-Man.
- Screenslaver from Incredibles 2: She was thought to have failed her heinous standards to Syndrome, she pointed out her MEH is clear to her that she is bounded to stand out to be NPE.
- Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic Boom: He was thought to have bog-standard compared who are all responsible for so much damage than him, however it turns out he does stand out for attempting to destroy the universe, however He has some sense of honor, as he had shown respect to his enemies a number of times, including when they prevented him from destroying the universe. With this he got approved as NPE villain.
- Steve Malek from Dodo: Was initially too Standard, while his true plans and intentions for Joe and OāMalley relied too much on Fridge Shock Horror. However, once both his true plans, and past kill on another school student was revealed, he was approved due to the sheer brutality of his actions.
- Tighten from Megamind: Him endangering Metro City was thought to rely on Fridge Horror, but then it was discussed that he actually put a lot of people in danger and he actually gets taken much more seriously.
- Titans from Hercules: TBA
- The Chameleon from Kung Fu Panda 4: Originally thought to have suffered from too much Fridge Horror, it was decided that her envisioning China engulfed in flames would likely result in a lot of deaths, meaning she just barely passed the baseline and stood out enough to be NPE (though she's still not heinous enough to be PE due to not standing out compared to Lord Shen whose crimes were more fleshed out). For another heinous deed of the Chameleon, she threatened her own adoptive daughter Zhen that she would dispose of her once her usefulness expires, giving her some personal villainy towards Zhen.
- Unnamed Echidna Warrior from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022): They thought to be unknown bog-standard, however after it was agreed that they were clearly greedy and used the master emerald to commit mass murder, they were approved as Near Pure Evil.
- VaneƩ from Star Wars:
- Vincent from Over the Hedge: He was thought to be a standard "Kill the Heroes" villain, but his attempted kill count was high enough for him to count, especially since he knows the animals he tries to kill are sentient, and all but one of them have not done anything to him. It also helped that he is the only villain in the movie to be aware of the animals' sapience as Gladys Sharp and Dwayne LaFontant did not know that the animals they intended to kill were sapient, making Vincent the most heinous villain in the movie overall.
- Walter Simmons from Godzilla vs. Kong: He created the giant killing machine aka Mechagodzilla was thought to rely on Fridge Horror, but then it was discussed that he actually use his ultimate weapon to put a several people in danger and he actually gets taken much more then creativity seriously.
Villainous Benchmarks that are now Inconsistently Heinous
- The Arkham Knight from Batman: Arkham Knight: It was decided that his actions of endangering the lives of the people of Gotham don't suffer from too much Fridge Horror.
- Alameda Slim from Home on the Range: Thought to never realize the cows were sapient. However, it was then pointed out that he did eventually know but didn't care.
- Ash Graven from Final Space: She was initially thought to be a generic "kill the heroes" villainess until it was pointed out that she quite literally crossed the Moral Event Horizon she call her crossing Worst Actions (with redeeming qualities) as she tortuously draining Mooncake's powers to the point of presumably killing him to free Invictus from its prison and kickstart its plan to bring the end of everything.
- Atrocitus (DC): Thought to be bog-standard. But after re-examination it was decided that he stands out too.
- AUTO from WALL-E: Thought to be bog-standard and that his worst action of mass endangerment was Fridge Horror, but then it was discussed that he was aware of what he's doing and his killing of WALL-E was brutal, though he still retains moral agency issues.
- Beldam from Paper Mario: TBA
- Bryce Walker from 13 Reasons Why: Initially a bully with only 2 rapes in Season 1, which did not pass the baseline, Season 2 revealed that he was a serial assaulter with several more victims as part of the clubhouse. Additionally, he would rape his girlfriend, Chloe to make him more heinous.
- Cody Nutkiss from Super Mario Logan: Was on here due to the negative continuity of SML detracting from his heinousness. But when it was pointed out how the negative continuity doesn't affect him that much and how heinous him raping Junior and Joseph for 5 years is, he was approved.
- Dark Flash from the DC Extended Universe: He thought was Villainous Benchmark, but he was under debate so he still Inconsistently Heinous.
- Dark Kahn from Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Was initially thought to be bog-standard. However, upon reexamination, it was decided that the baseline was low enough for him to pass due to combining Darkseid with Shao Kahn and gaining the will of power for being an two violent psychopaths.
- Deadpool from X-Men Origins: Wolverine: He thought despite shooting and killing people for money had relied on Fridge Horror too much, he stands out enough to be affable and light.
- Doomsday from The Death of Superman: He thought to be an unknown bog-standard, but later it was pointed out that he quite crossed the MEH called the Worst Actions as he kills Superman after his death. He actually stands out just fine.
- Eggen from Poopet's Dumby Dumb Show: Was initially bog standard, only having two kills, one of which is only implied, and the other one, while brutal, still wasn't enough to pass the baseline. However, when a meme came out and had him attempt omnicide. He was deemed heinous enough, and was proposed and approved.
- El Macho from Despicable Me: Thought to have suffered from Fridge Horror and got removed Inconsistently Heinous, but then it's been discussed that minions turning into actual killing machines is not and he actually wants to take over the world. Due to this, Dr. Nefario is also an Inconsistently Heinous candidate as he's the one that is required to kidnap the Minions and turn them into monsters for him.
- Godzilla from Godzilla (1954): He used to be a bog-standard, bog-standard his powers will make humankind fear him, bog-standard who he hurt if he wasn't careful every second of every day, he spent his whole life failing standards, He's re-approved himself as Inconsistently Heinous. That's why he don't fail his standards anymore.
- Golden Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's (2023): He thought to be a bog-standard too much, now he was approved IH in the 2023 movie.
- Gregory from Five Nights at Freddy's
- Hades (Disney's Hercules 1997): Thought to be bog-standard. But after re-examination it was decided that he stands out.
- Haman from VeggieTales: Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen: Initially, he was believed that he did not meet the series' heinous standards. But he has been shown that Haman stands out with the help of his terrible tortures of the people of Jews to the Island of Perpetual Tickling.
- Heinz Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb: Thought to have suffered from Fridge Horror, bog-standard villainy or simply bluffing in his villainy and moved back and forth from IH and VB, but then it's been discussed that his Accelerate-inator would destroy the universe yet he would still try to use it despite being aware of its purpose and it's also confirmed that he will kill anybody that didn't make up their minds, none of which could actually be dismissed as bluffs or Fridge Horror.
- James Ironwood from RWBY: Originally thought to fail the in-story heinous standards, it was decided that him threatening Mantle with a nuke was enough to push him over.
- Joker (Harley Quinn TV Series): It was thought that his crimes were relying on Fridge Horror too much to stand out. But it was found out that he does stand out enough for Inconsistently Heinous.
- Kabuto Yakushi from Naruto: Initially just a pawn to Orochimaru in Part 1, years later he becomes a world-wide threat by creating an Edo Tensei army, thus playing a critical part in the Fourth Great Ninja War.
- Kratos from God of War: Originally, initially was thought he failed the Heinous Standards, but it was pointed out that he put a lot of Gods of Olympus at risks. So his Worst Actions are that he stands out enough to be Inconsistently Heinous.
- Leatherface (Netflix): He suffered too much Fridge Horror. But, He is approved as IH already.
- Light Turner from Netflix's Death Note: Overall, unlike his mainstream counterpart who was a remorseless sociopath with a god complex, this version of Light is much more sympathetic and is a genuine extremist with several redeeming qualities. He stands out enough to be IH.
- Light Yagami from Death Note (TV Drama): He was thought yet believed to have relied too much on Fridge Horror, but it was pointed out that his death scene is played for sympathy and makes him a scapegoat. He stands out enough to be Inconsistently Heinous.
- Lilly from The Walking Dead: Initially just a control freak who's main concern is protecting her dad and worst crime is accidental murder, she returns as a tyrannical villain who kidnapped multiple children and turning them into child soldiers.
- Luigi from I Hate you: TBA
- Luke Castellan from Percy Jackson & the Olympians: He was initially thought to have failed the heinousness standards of the Riordanverse, since he served Kronos, who himself failed the in-story standards. However it was later discussed that Luke has far less resources than most Riordanverse big bads, since he's only a half-blood and not a literal god. Meanwhile he voluntarily worked to resurrect Kronos in order to expressly cause a global cataclysm, something no other villain in the series with his resources had attempted.
- Preston Northwest from Gravity Falls:
- Makoto Hanuma from Blue Archive: She was initially classified as a Standard Dimwitted Tyrant because her plans were so flimsy compared to Mika's, but was later moved to Inconsistently Heinous because, although what she tried to do ended in failure and was classified as a Simple Happening due to the nature of Kivotos' students, it was later revealed that she had planned to blow up Trinity General School using airships and Arius troops, and a genocide against the students attending Trinity, so she went far beyond Mika and did very horrible things. Her redeeming qualities are that she cares about her members and is very comical.
- Midnight Sparkle from Equestria Girls: Unknown, but she stands out enough to be Non-Villain.
- Plankton from SpongeBob SquarePants: Initially thought to be a generic kill-the-hero villain, it was later pointed out that the slaves he had in his name are confirmed to be killed by him due to his quote "Who can stop me now?! WHO?!" to a slaves, allowing him to pass the Kill-The-Hero baseline.
- Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty: Initially, it was believed that the TV Series was pure shock value. However, it turned out that the TV Series has a message.
- Scrappy-Doo from Scooby-Doo (2002): It was initially believed he relied too much on Fridge Horror as we never find out what happened to the souls he collected when they were absorbed, making the Evil Masked Figure more heinous as he did more with less resources. However, it was later agreed that the fact of him extracting the souls in the first place and leaving them in a pot is enough to consider him causing a fate worse than death, therefore making him unique enough to stand out. Heās still far too comedic for Pure Evil or Near Pure Evil though.
- Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024):
- Shin Godzilla from Shin Godzilla (2016): It was thought that his crimes were relying on Fridge Horror too much to stand out. But it was found out that he does stand out enough for Inconsistently Heinous.
- SMG3 from SMG4: He was a Villainous Benchmark due to the thought that he never intended to use Ztar. However, he was reapproved as Inconsistently Heinous because he willingly tried to blow up Earth twice.
- Purple from Animator vs. Animation: Due to his attempted omnicide relying on Fridge Horror, he was deemed insufficiently heinous on top of his numerous redeeming qualities. After the Season 3 finale revealed he and King Orange truly were omnicidal, he was proposed and approved.
- Sunset Shimmer from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: She was originally thought to be a generic bully whose worst crime was just trying to kill the heroes. However, it was discussed and agreed that her personal villainy is treated as emotional abuse in-universe and she has one of the highest attempted kill counts of any villain who appeared in G4 of My Little Pony since she tried to kill 6 people. By extension, her way of trying to kill her victims was pretty brutal given she almost burned them alive with a fireball, and she especially had less resources than villains like Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, and Storm King. Therefore, she was moved to the Inconsistently Heinous Wiki.
- Tai Lung from Kung Fu Panda: Unknown, but he stands out enough to be Inconsistently Heinous.
- Takuto Maruki from Persona 5: Initially belonging to IH Wiki and getting removed due to concerns that he failed the heinous standards to Tohru Adachi (who wanted to turn the world into Shadows), but then it has been discussed that he tried to remove the will and the memories of the Phantom Thieves while trapping them into smiling blank slates and forcing Sumire to remain as Kasumi, as well as giving Joker a fate worse than death, which no other villain had attempted.
- The Devil from The Cuphead Show!: He thought was previously approved as Inconsistently Heinous, but was removed due to stealing souls seeming to rely on fridge horror. However, he was re-proposed and approved once more when it was decided that taking one's soul indeed left both the victim's body and soul to fates worse than death.
- The NPE Killer from Villains Fanon Wiki Chronicles:
- Two-Face from Batman: Arkham City: As he was disfigured with no individual redeeming qualities within him, he's not a district attorney as he was long thought to be, and therefore are easily able to qualify as Inconsistently Heinous.
- Tyler Down from 13 Reasons Why: Initially just a creep who stalked Hannah, in Season 2, he tried to shoot up the school.
- Walter White from Breaking Bad: In the first season he was just a drug dealer, but in the later seasons he committed more violent crimes such as letting Jane die, poisoning a kid for petty reasons and orchestrating the deaths of multiple people in a prison.
Villainous Benchmarks that are now in the Moral Scaling Purgatory
- Fawful from Super Mario Bros.: It's currently unknown how much Fridge Horror he suffers from and whether he's NPE or IH due to comedy concerns remains undetermined as of now since it's tough to say how seriously he is taken. Though, this could change eventually.
- Void from The Amazing World of Gumball: An additional reason on why it can't be a Villainous Benchmark or Pure Evil is that some argue that the series is ongoing or that people should wait until the upcoming film is released. However, Word of God has not made any other updates about whether the film will be made or not, so it's unknown where the Void would stand on the moral scale.
Deleted permanently from the Wiki
- Every bog-standard or generic villain that was here prior to the criteria update.
- Garvey Write from Dormitabis: Was removed due to the creator(Blackout) doing messed up stuff.
- Any pure Shock Value character (The villains of A Serbian Film, Peter Mountain from the August Underground trilogy, etc.): Their works violate the new Fandom ToS rule and for having no moral or message.
- Larger Meg from The Meg: She had enough of her Fridge Horror, and sheāll be deleted from Inconsistently Heinous and Villains Wiki permanently.
- The Devil: He is too controversial to be morally scaled at all, and he isn't nearly heinous enough for Moral Scaling Purgatory (basically exactly like saying Loki was heinous enough for MCU or Kylo Ren was heinous enough for Star Wars).
- Tony The Tiger (MeatCanyon): He is deleted from villains fanon wiki permanently with no excuses.
Villainous Benchmarks that don't meet the criteria for being a villain
- Eden Hawkins from Locke & Key: She is just a snobbish high schooler who wants to be the queen bee at Matheson Academy and she has multiple redeeming qualities.
- Han Mi-nyeo from Squid Game: She is just a xenophobe and her crimes (e.g. smuggling, drug abuse, sexual harassment and murder) are either false, exaggerated or simply not enough to make her considered a villainous character.
- Harlan Ogilvi
- Jackson Storm from Cars: He's just a racer that wants to be the best and the story presents him more of an antagonist rather than a true villain.
- Michael Afton (and friends) from Five Nights at Freddy's: He is just a bog standard bully whose only real crime is an accidental murder he felt remorse for.
- Mario from Super Mario: His villainy is too inconsistent due to only being a villain in a game or two and that's it.
- Porunga from Dragon Ball: All his villainy is minor aiding and abetting to the main antagonists out of obligation while he realizes major heroic deeds most of the time.
- Rodrick Heffley: His worst actions on-screen are just bullying and abusing Greg which doesn't affect him at all.
- Manny Heffley: His worst actions was just nearly killing his family in Cabin Fever.
- Shenron from Dragon Ball: All his villainy is minor aiding and abetting to the main antagonists out of obligation while he realizes major heroic deeds most of the time.
- Suction Cup Man: He is a bog standard jerk at the worst and his crimes such as disobeying the police, climbing towers or wanting to team up with Satan are just moments of him being a mischief maker rather than a villain.
- Lex Luthor from Injustice: His villainy had been changed into alternate hero he turned himself in his counterpart is not a villain.
- Caine from The Amazing Digital Circus: He is neither a villain nor hero.
- Lex Luthor from Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: He thought he was a villain but he is changed since the alternate dimensional universe cannot qualify evil or villainy but he is the only hope for the Justice Leagues and he has a great quality of heroes, but hero is alternatively fragile.
- Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story: He is just a victim of brainwashing by Lotso and his minions.
- Superman from the Snyderverse: He is just a victim of brainwashing by Darkseid and the Anti-Life Equation.
- Swamp Thing from DC Comics: He was thought to be standard "Kill-The-Heroes" villain. But he already quit being a villain and turns himself in as a hero. Like Justice League turns themselves in.
- Anxiety from Inside Out 2: She decided that she does not want to be the villain anymore. Because she is not a bad guy in the movie. She is feeling very sorry to Joy for anything that happened to be done.
- Wreck-It Ralph (Disney): In the first film, he was never the bad guy of his own volition and spent the whole movie in pursuit of free will. In the second, him causing the super-virus during the climax was blatantly unintentional.
- Delinquent Road Hazards (Disney): They are just only petty hooligans and robbery not villains.
- Lightning Dust (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic): She is just a standard jerk who disregard other ponies safety.
- Darla Sherman: She doesn't mean to cause actual harm to the fishes as she only does so out of excitement to received a fish on her birthday.
- Philip Sherman: He doesn't know about the animal's sapience. Also him capturing Nemo was only because he thought Nemo would die in the ocean.
- Reginald Smith (Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget): He lacks knowledge of the chicken sapience as from his perspective he's just getting a partnership with two quirky partnership.
- Brooke and Chet (The Loud House): They are just standard prankster who pranks on Lori and her friends and they don't do anything villainous beside that.
- Lacey St. Clair and Victorie (The Loud House): They are just a standard spoiled brar who hates filthy and gross things and they think Lana Loud couldn't win in a dog comeptition.
- Doug and Michelle (The Loud House): They are just your standard jerk arrogant music producer who they want Luna Loud to follow their orders as a Bubble gum pop instead of being just herself.
- Stan and Steak Stancko (The Loud House): They are standard jerk who makes fun of Lynn Loud Sr. and Lincoln Loud during the competition.
- The Loud Doubles (The Loud House): They are just prankster who where hired by thr Loud Family to tske their place to get target by Luan April Fool pranks and they where hired by Luan to humiliate the Loud Family reputation as her April Fool pranks.
Status Under Debate
- Belle Bottom from Despicable Me: After re-examination, it is shown she was willing to kill hundreds of AVL agents. It is up to debate how comedic she is though and how formally reproposed or rediscussed she could be.
- Captain Badburger from Angry birds: Its been agreed that him forcing Brian to eat prisoners has an effect on the story and his mass zombification passes the baseline, infact his Inconsistently Heinous proposal was closed only because his curse isnāt a moral agency issue or a tragedy meaning heās not even inconsisent.
- Dr. Eggman from Sonic Boom: His status is currently under debate because his IH proposal wasnāt rejected or approved, but is left undetermined instead.
- Dr. Ivo Robotnik from Sonic Cinematic Universe: In the first film he passed the baseline due to mass endangerment but would end up being deemed to fail the baseline after the second film gave him more resources and added a more heinous villain seen in flashbacks, however in the third film he willing helps Gerald Robotnik knowing that his plan could kill everyone in London, something far worse than anything the unnamed echidna warrior did, but its currently being discussed if he fails to Gerald Robotnik given that he didnāt want to destroy the planet and also attempted omnicide in the novelisation.
- Ellie Williams from The Last of Us: Her Inconsistently Heinous page was deleted only because her proposal was made by an untrustworthy user.
- Jabba the Hutt: His Near Pure Evil page was only deleted because the proposer had plagiarised entire proposals which made him untrustworthy.
- Jin Kazama from Tekken: His Inconsistently Heinous page was deleted only because his proposal was made by a sockpuppet, and it's currently debatable if he stands out from Kazuya and Heihachi.
- King Dedede from Kirby: His Inconsistently Heinous page was deleted only because his discussion was made by a sockpuppet.
- Eustace Bagge from Courage the Cowardly Dog: His Inconsistently Heinous page was deleted only because his discussion was made by a sockpuppet.
- Lord Garmadon:TBA
- Lute from Hazbin Hotel: We do not know if she is PE NPE or IH yet. All of the decisions will be revealed.