Villainous Benchmark Wiki

~ Vegeta exclaiming Goku's power level, and his most famous quote in the Ocean dub of Dragon Ball Z.

Vegeta is the deuteragonist of the Dragon Ball franchise.

He is the Prince of the Saiyan race, the husband of Bulma, the father of Trunks and Bulla and Goku's former arch-nemesis and best friend. He starts off as the main antagonist of the Saiyan Saga and a major antagonist in the Namek Saga, but later serves as an anti-hero of the rest of the series.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • He wasn't upset when Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza and was only disappointed that he would never be king.
  • He was one of the Saiyans that wiped out many races and caused genocide throughout the universe for Frieza and the Planet Trade Organization. In his first scene, he and Nappa were even shown eating some alien bugs they killed.
  • He destroyed Planet Arlia just because he couldn't make a profit on it.
  • He and Nappa destroyed many buildings upon arriving on Earth.
  • He indirectly caused the deaths of Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha and Kami.
  • He killed a Saibamen for its failure to kill the Z-Fighters, which even terrified Nappa.
  • He betrayed and killed Nappa for being too weak to kill Goku.
  • He tortured Goku when he became an Great Ape.
  • He attempted to destroy Earth with his Galick Gun to kill Goku.
  • He brutally assaulted Krillin, Yajirobe and Gohan.
  • He went to Planet Namek to search for the Dragon Balls and later betrayed Frieza and murdered many of his men.
  • He slaughtered a Namekian village in search of the Dragon Balls, which included elders and children. Worse, these Namekians weren't revived since only the Namekians who were killed by Frieza and his men were revived, and Vegeta had betrayed Frieza before that.
  • He brutally murdered most of the Ginyu Force even after defeating them. Although it could be argued that he only killed them so they can stay defeated, he still took sadistic pleasure in killing them, and Jeice was even shown begging for mercy, yet Vegeta still killed him nonetheless.
  • He forced Dende to wish for him to be immortal.
  • In the anime, he started a fight with the Z-Fighters after Goku seemingly dies on Planet Namek and brutally beats Gohan.
  • He searched for Goku throughout the universe, so he can learn how to become a Super Saiyan and kill him.
  • While he did help fight against Frieza and Cell, this doesn't make him completely an on or off, as he was still a villain at the time (though not an antagonist anymore) and only did this for pragmatic reasons as Frieza and Cell were mutual enemies he shares with the Z-Fighters and he still wanted to kill Goku.
  • Although he married Bulma and had a son named Trunks, he didn't love them at first and even didn't care when Dr. Gero almost killed them in the helicopter. It's also made clear that Vegeta's parenting is the reason for Trunks' arrogant and mischievous behavior and it's even implied that Vegeta was physically abusive with him at first.
  • He only saved Goku from Android 19 so he could kill him himself, then insulted him for his heart condition and tossed him to the side, even though he was dying from the disease.
  • He brutally killed Android 19 while he tried to run away.
  • He killed many innocent civilians during his fight with Android 18.
  • He helped Cell absorb Android 18 so he can get a good fight out of him by stopping Future Trunks from protecting her and destroying Cell, endangering the entire universe.
  • Unlike the other Z-Fighters, he wasn't sad when Goku died sacrificing himself to save Earth from Cell.
  • He allowed Babidi to take over his mind to bring out the evil in him and then killed multiple innocent civilians at the World Tournament just to spite Goku into fighting him.
  • During his fight with Goku, he didn't care that his energy was being transferred into awakening Majin Buu, with his actions leading to Buu destroying Earth later.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • As heinous as he was, he fails the extremely high heinous standard of Dragon Ball as most of his evil deeds are commonplace for the franchise as other Saiyans and Frieza's workers have committed similar acts. While he does help Cell and Majin Buu cause more havoc, it's more of an act of apathy since his main concern was getting a good fight, which isn't enough for him to stand out.
  • Although that doesn't justify his actions that much, he's still too tragic and sympathetic to be NPE. Even if he was genuinely apathetic about his home planet being destroyed by Frieza, he was still affected enough by it to vow revenge on the latter, even to the point where it became one of the driving forces of his temporary fall back to villainy as Majin Vegeta.
  • Despite knowing that fighting Goku will release Majin Buu, he thought Buu was a pushover that could be beaten quickly.
  • He redeems himself during the Majin Buu Saga and sacrifices himself to try and defeat Fat Buu by blowing himself up and helped Goku fight Super Buu and Kid Buu. Afterwards, he became a trusted ally and one of the Z-Fighters and helped protect the universe from Zamasu/Goku Black and Beerus.
  • He shows care for his wife Bulma, his son Trunks and his daughter Bulla and settled down to start a family with them. He also cares about his disciple Cabba, saving him from elimination despite being opponents in the Tournament of Power and promised to bring back Universe 6 after it gets erased by Zeno.
  • He eventually starts to grow standards, even against other heroes like Top for abandoning his principles of justice just to play god.


  • Initially during the Saiyan Saga, Vegeta was heinous enough to pass the standard, however because of the series having more exploration and stakes with the plot, villains who had comparable resources such as Dodoria, Zarbon and the Ginyu Force have commonly done just about the same as him, and were likely bigger enforcers of it due to being Frieza's more favored allies in his destruction, if Akira Toriyama was going for the Z title and the Saiyan saga to end Dragon Ball, that was somewhat part of his intention, Vegeta would not only have been Heinous but Pure Evil, as his redeeming qualities were were totally absent when killing Nappa, having no positive moral value for anyone but himself, not to mention that his tragic prevention that would be included as his backstory wasn't in the Saiyan Saga.

External Links[]


           Dragon Ball logo Villainous Benchmarks

Dragon Ball
Commander Red | General Blue | Tao Pai Pai | Tambourine | Piccolo

Dragon Ball Z
Raditz | Vegeta | Nappa | Dodoria | Captain Ginyu | Garlic | Dabura | Fat Buu | Van Zant | Smitty

Dragon Ball Super
Paragus | Cell Max
