Villainous Benchmark Wiki
Villainous Benchmark Wiki

I don't come in the name of the Jedi… I come in the name of the future, a new golden age for the galaxy… a future based on the Sith, not the creaking old Republic.
~ Quel-Droma declaring war on the Jedi.

Ulic Qel-Droma is the main protagonist of the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi comic series.

He was a legendary Jedi who turned to the dark side and became the Sith Apprentice of Exar Kun, becoming the secondary antagonist in Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • When The ghost of Marka Ragnos stopped the fight and named both Kun and Ulic Dark Lords of the Sith with Kun being the master and after this he fully committed to the dark side.
  • He and his master Exar Kun declared war on both the Republic and the Jedi Order.
  • He recruited the Mandalorians to join Kun's Sith Empire.
  • He led his forces to attack Coruscant but it failed.
  • After the incident on Coruscant, he joined Exar into invading Ossus.
  • He confronted and killed his brother Cay.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He helped free Onderon from the Royal Family, who practiced the dark side and were followers of the ancient Dark Jedi Freedon Nadd.
  • Defeated the dark side sorceror King Ommin.
  • His fall to the dark side was unintentional, as he originally joined the Krath cult as a spy, but was eventually corrupted.
  • He massively fails the heinous standard of Star Was with characters with less resources.
  • He felt deep remorse for killing his brother and turned away from the dark side.
  • He redeemed himself, betrayed his master Exar Kun, and helped the Jedi, even after losing his connection to the Force.

External Links[]


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Disney Canon
Confederacy of Independent Systems
Executive Separatist Council (Viceroy Nute Gunray | Archduke Poggle the Lesser)
Military Officers (Commander Darts D'nar | General Lok Durd)
Officials and Operatives (Minister Rish Loo | Senator Tal Merrik | Queen Miraj Scintel | Senator Nix Card | Asajj Ventress | R3-S6 | Baron Rush Clovis)

Galactic Empire
Officials and Military Officers (Admiral Conan Antonio Motti | Admiral Garrick Versio | Admiral Kassius Konstantine | Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett | Fleet Admiral Kendal Ozzel | Governor Arihnda Pryce | Lieutenant Nolan | Moff Tiann Jerjerrod | Vice Admiral Rampart)
Operatives and Other Officials (Agent Alexsandr Kallus | Clone X | Commander Crosshair | Commander Fox | Governor Tiber Saxon | Lieutanent Supervisor Dedra Meero | Viceroy Gar Saxon | Dr. Royce Hemlock | Commander Gideon Hask)
Inquisitorius (The Grand Inquisitor | The First Brother | The Third Sister | The Fourth Sister | The Fifth Brother | The Sixth Brother | The Seventh Sister | The Eighth Brother | The Ninth Sister | The Tenth Brother | The Eleventh Brother | The Thirteenth Sister | Tualon Yaluna | Barriss Offee)
Affiliates (Morgan Elsbeth)

First Order
Kylo Ren
Military Officers (Commander Gideon Hask)
Officials and Operatives (Agent Tierny | Ax Tagrin | Commander Pyre | Major Elrik Vonreg | Nenavakasa Nalor | Teroj Kee)

Sith Eternal
Military Officers (Admiral Frantis Griss | General Amret Engell | Lieutenant Milon Lenwith | Simero Quonit | Captain Chesille Sabrond | Captain Strok)

Shadow Collective
Darth Maul | Prime Minister Almec | Savage Opress | Pre Vizsla | Gar Saxon

Fett gotra
Boba Fett | Black Krrsantan | Fennec Shand

Other Sith and Dark Side Force-Users
The Stranger | Mae Aniseya | Barriss Offee | Son | Darth Maul | Savage Opress | Nightsisters (Mother Talzin) | Bode Akuna | Baylan Skoll | Shin Hati | Knights of Ren

Bounty Hunters
Aurra Sing | Ax Tagrin | Black Krrsantan | Boba Fett | Bossk | Caij Vanda | Cato Parasitti | IG-11 | Dengar | Embo | Fennec Shand | Jango Fett | Latts Razzi | Moralo Eval | Ochi of Bestoon | Rumi Paramita | Seripas | Sarco Plank | Zam Wesell

Clone Troopers
Commander Crosshair | Commander Fox | Commander Scorch | Clone X | CX-2

Jabba the Hutt | Sebulba | Ciddarin Scaleback

Legends Canon
Alto Stratus | Seven Dark Jedi | Desann | Calo Nord| Ulic Qel-Droma| Tyber Zann

Emperor Palpatine
