Villainous Benchmark Wiki

ā€œ I will make this right. These streets must run with the blood of hypocrites! Hero... I will reclaim that word. Come on, just try and stop me you fakes! There is only one man I'll let kill me. He is a true hero... All Might is worthy. ā€ž
~ Stain challenging the heroes.
ā€œ I don't presume to know you. But if you are a true hero... make use of this information from my time in Tartarus. Then come for the life Stain the man who murdered 40 heroes. All for the sake... of fixing this society. ā€ž
~ Stain to All Might.

Chizome Akaguro, better known as the Hero Killer: Stain and formerly Stendhal, is a major antagonist in the My Hero Academia franchise.

He is a delusional serial killer who murders several heroes who do not live up to his ideals. He is also a friendly rival of All Might, whom Stain sees as a "true hero" and the arch-enemy of Tenya Ida.

He is voiced by Gou Inoue in the Japanese version and Robert McCollum in the English dubbed version.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • As the vigilante Stendhal, he slaughtered criminals. He even murders Akira, a small-time crook whose only crime was taking Trigger and was released from imprisonment.
  • When he encounters Soga, he attempts to kill him after his Trigger wears off. Then, when Koichi tries to save Soga, he believes that since Koichi was helping an evil man, he was technically evil as well, then attempts to kill both of them.
  • Stain chooses to kill individuals who he believes to be "false" heroes based on his extremely high standard of what it means to be a hero.
  • Stain kills 17 pro heroes and damages 23 other pro heroes to the point that they can no longer work.
  • Stain fights and seriously cripples Ingenium, paralyzing him and preventing him from working as a hero.
    • What's more, from what is seen Ingenium was a genuinely altruistic and benevolent individual who held no selfish desires and who saved many people. While his motivation to become a hero stems from a desire to live up to the legacy of his family and their hero name, Ingenium, that doesnā€™t make him worthy of punishment but rather guidance and redirection from a mentor, not a violent blow from a vigilante. This implies that Chizome is an incredibly biased and bigoted man who on a subconscious level is out for blood (though he isnā€™t a sadist) and acts more on his hatred for people he believes to be false heroes without doing any actual research on the heroes he killed to determine whether or not they fit his criteria which makes him a delusional hypocrite.
  • In Hosu City, he prepares to kill the hero, Native.
  • Upon seeing Tenya's hate-filled eyes and desire for vengeance against the Hero Killer, he stabs him in the shoulder and prepares to kill him despite only being a child.
  • After paralyzing Deku, he prepares to stab Tenya once again and nearly succeeds if not for Shoto's timely intervention.
  • Even though he respects Shoto for his desire to help his friends and sees him as worthy of being a hero, Stain was still prepared to slice his arm off in order to gain an advantage, and would've severed it clean off if Tenya hadn't broken his sword in time.
  • Stain refuses to accept Tenya's change of heart, calling him the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name "hero" and continues to try and kill him. During the fight, he also attempts to throw knives at Shoto, which Tenya blocks with his arm.
  • The wounds inflicted on Tenya by Stain would end up giving him permanent damage in his arm.
  • His actions and words end up inspiring several people to join the League of Villains, making him indirectly responsible for leading them all further down the path of villainy.
  • After escaping from Tartarus, he threatens to kill Toshinori just for badmouthing All Might, unaware they were the exact same person.
  • He left an impact in Izuku's subconscious that allowed Tomura to use Stain's shape to attack him when he was transferring the vestiges of One for All.
  • While he has a lower kill count than Overhaul, Tomura Shigaraki, All For One, and Flect Turn, they have considerably more resources than him.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • Despite having lower resources than most of the other villains in the series, he fails the heinous standards to Dabi, who had even lower resources than him, ruined countless lives via destabilising hero society and attempted to kill his own family along with thousands of fleeing civilians. However, he at least goes beyond standard villainy thanks to killing over 40 people and damaging Ingenuimā€™s hero career by disabling him in an act of spite.
  • He became disgusted and disillusioned by the corruption of hero society and their teachings, thus he became a killer and vigilante to kill "false" heroes and villains to create a stronger society, which serves as a Freudian Excuse that holds up and makes him a well-intentioned extremist.
  • He is tragic, since he was ignored for years as he protested about the flaws in the hero society. His parents also passed away during this time, and it can be assumed he was too busy protesting to be there for them.
  • He has a code of honor, as well as his own set of morals and standards, refusing to harm ā€œrealā€ heroes and even going out of his way to save them even if theyā€™re in his way, despising villains such as Tomura because of his aimless bloodlust and is shown to be disgusted by All For Oneā€™s selfish goal, and murdered an imprisoned serial killer after hearing he was gonna murder more women.
  • He is remorseful, due to not allowing himself to kill "children" like Tenya Ida/Ingenium for example, even if Tenya/Ida/Iida/Ingenium showed a wrathful sworn sign of vengeance towards him, and "killing 'children'" is the last thing he would've ever wanted.
  • He holds an intense amount of respect for All Might, viewing him as the only man worthy of being a hero and the only person he'd allow to kill him. When he encounters All Might, who feels guilty over not being able to help his student and believing his accomplishments as the Symbol of Peace meant nothing, Stain encourages All Might by reminding him of the hope he gave others and the generation he inspired through his heroics. Stain's words bring tears to All Might's eyes and remind him that his time as the Symbol of Peace wasn't meaningless. He even gives All Might the information he received from Tartarus, which is vital for the police and heroes in preparing for All For One's attack.
    • He also shows respect for Izuku and Shoto Todoroki, as he admired their convictions to saving Tenya, and even saves Izuku from a flying Nomu.
  • He redeems himself by coming in and saving All Might during his 3rd battle with All For One, paralyzing and distracting the latter away from All Might as he was about to attack the hero and tells All Might to "win and keep living" as All For One kills him.

External Links[]


          My-Hero-Academia-Logo Villainous Benchmarks

League Of Villains
Himiko Toga | Twice

Meta Liberation Army
Curious | Re-Destro

Endeavor | Stain | Lady Nagant

Joe's Cosmic Saga
Minoru Mineta (Joe's Cosmic Saga) | Mount Lady (Joe's Cosmic Saga) | Rody Soul (Joe's Cosmic Saga)

All For Luz: Toshiko Shigaraki | Kennedy Jennkins | Riley Stewardson
