NOTE: This page is only for Rhea/Seiros in the Crimson Flower Route, which is the only route where she serves as a villain.
So, this is the choice you have made. You are just another failure. Your presence soils this Holy Tomb and disgraces my brethren. I will not allow one who would lend our enemies strength to wield the power of the goddess Sothis! I have passed judgement! And now, I shall now rip your chest open, and TAKE BACK YOUR HEART MYSELF!'
I have no patience for foolish questions. I shall sacrifice as many lives as it takes! That apostate who insists on taking everything from me WILL BE CRUSHED BY MY OWN HANDS!
~ Rhea/Seiros to Catherine regarding Byleth.
NONSENSE! Fools who do not accept their own sins are undeserving of salvation! You humans are the ones who betrayed! You betrayed me, and you betrayed my mother!
~ The Immaculate One fighting Edelgard.
Seiros, also known as Rhea and the Immaculate One, is a major character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and its spin-off Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. She serves as the founding saint and Archbishop of the Church of Seiros.
Because of her antagonistic role in the Crimson Flower route, as well as her other morally grey acts, Seiros can be considered as one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside the Flame Emperor) in Three Houses. She remains as a sympathetic, non-villainous character in the other three routes.
She ordered Byleth to kill Edelgard, but they refused and sided with her to protect her.
She got angry at Byleth for siding with Edelgard that she passed judgement by transforming into the Immaculate One to open up Byleth's chest and rip out the goddess Sothis.
Near end of the same chapter, she transformed into the Immaculate One in another attempt to kill Byleth with her blast.
If Seteth and Flayn were killed in battle, she grows more hateful and vows that Byleth will be chained to the Valley of Torment until their skin and bones rot.
She ordered Catherine set the capital city of Faerghus on fire, even though people were still there.
In the Crimson Flower route, she doesn't care what happens to people in the city. She was willing to sacrifice innocents to get back her mother's heart from Byleth.
Why She Doesn't Stand Out?[]
She fails the heinous standards to Edelgard and multiple members of Those Who Slither in the Dark, especially Thales.
She loved her mother Sothis, getting her Sword of the Creator back and sealing it.
She supported Sitri Eisner's wish to give Byleth life, even if it means giving her life.
She cares for Seteth and Flayn, as shown if they are spared by Byleth.
She is tragic as she lost her mother and her people to Nemesis in the past.