Villainous Benchmark Wiki

Batman: You don’t want to do this, Freeze.

Mr. Freeze: Oh, I believe I do. You will bring me Nora, or you, will, die!"

~ Mr. Freeze to Batman before their fight.
Threats are meaningless to a man who has lost everything!
~ Mr. Freeze to Batman upon meeting him for the first time

Dr. Victor Fries, better known as Mr. Freeze, is a major character in the Batman: Arkham video game franchise.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • As a child, he froze over a dozen of his neighbor’s pets in an attempt to cure them of their sicknesses.
  • He attacked Wayne Manor with Penguin’s goons to capture Ferris Boyle. He also carelessly supplied Penguin and his goons with his weapons in exchange for their help, not caring what they would use them for.
  • He encases Boyle in ice to force him to tell him the codes to freeing Nora.
  • He attempts to kill Batman for getting in the way of his plans.
  • He subtly threatens Professor Hugo Strange during their interview, saying he will “freeze the marrow in his legs, shatter and fracture his bones until he begs him for death”.
  • After Batman defeats Penguin and gets Freeze his suit back, Freeze proceeds to stomp on Penguin's broken hand until Batman forces him to back off, though this is justified since Penguin kidnapped and tortured Freeze.
  • He was willing to risk the lives of thousands of innocents just to force Batman to save Nora.
  • Under Riddler’s orders, he attempted to test explosives on Gotham’s pipelines, which would’ve killed thousands of people.

Why He Doesn’t Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the Heinous Standards of the Arkhamverse compared to Gotham’s other supervillains, who are far more dangerous.
  • He is extremely tragic for many reasons:
    • He was disowned by his parents and sent away to a boarding school for freezing animals.
    • His wife fell deathly and he opted to cryogenically freeze her for the sake of keeping her alive.
    • His metabolism was changed after being betrayed by Ferris Boyle, forcing him to wear a cryogenic suit to survive.
    • He lost all of his equipment by the time of Knight, meaning he all those years he spent trying to save Nora were all for nothing.
    • All in all, his life has taken such a downward spiral to the point where Barman constantly expresses pity towards him.
  • All of his crimes are just for the sake of curing her terminal illness.
    • Furthermore, him freezing various pets as a child was done with good intentions, as he wanted to cure them of their illnesses.
  • As stated above, he genuinely loves his wife, Nora.
  • While he has clashed with Batman many times, he has no personal animosity with him due to prioritizing the cure of his wife over all else. Not only that, but Victor has expressed gratitude and respect towards Batman for wanting to help him. As a result, Freeze refused to join Scarecrow and the other villains in stopping him in Arkham Knight.
  • He redeems himself in Arkham Knight, giving up his life of crime in favor of spending his remaining days alive with Nora.

External Links[]



ArkhamLogo|84px]] Villainous Benchmarks

Joker’s Gang
Clayface (Arkhamverse) | Frank Boles | Razor (Arkhamverse | Mister Hammer | Ian Chase |

League of Assassins
Talia Al Ghul (Arkhamverse) | Lady Shiva |

Penguin’s Gang
Solomon Grundy (Arkhamverse) | Sickle | Ricky LeBlanc | Tracey Buxton | Candy | Qing Lu |

Falcone Crime Family
Alberto Falcone | Carmine Falcone |

Gotham City Police Department
Commisoner Loeb (Arkhamverse) | Howard Branden | John DeMarco | JT Wicker |

Bane’s Militia
Bane (Arkhamverse) | [[Bird (Arkhamverse)]) |

Anarky’s Gang
Anarky (Arkhamvese) |

Arkham Knight’s Militia
Deathstroke (Arkhamverse |

Black Mask’s Gang
Black Mask (Arkhamverse) |

Suicide Squad
Amanda Waller | Deadshot (Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League) | Captain Boomerang (Arkhamverse) | Elseworlds Joker |

Deacon Blackfire’s Cult
Deacon Blackfire (Arkhamverse) |

Killer Moth (Arkhamverse | Catwoman (Arkhamverse) | Mr. Freeze (Arkhamverse) Deadshot (Arkhamverse) | Azrael (Arkhamverse) | Hush (Arkhamverse) | Chucky Berks | Robert Hanes | Electrocutioner (Arkhamverse) | Copperhead (Arkhamverse) | Ferris Boyle (Arkhamverse) | Professor Pyg (Arkhamverse) | Man-Bat (Arkhamverse) | Dr. Penelope Young | Warden Ranken | Christina Bell | Johnny Charisma | Albert King | Henry Adams |
