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This Villainous Benchmark was Headlined on May 2024.

ā€œ Sonic... I was created for the sole purpose of destroying you. But I could never seem to defeat you! That is why I transformed my own body with my own hands! ā€ž
~ Metal Overlord explaining to Sonic why he transformed himself.
ā€œ See me as I am, no longer afraid of anything! I shall become the ultimate overlord, ruling as the world's most supreme being! ā€ž
~ Metal Overlord.
ā€œ Guooooo! Why?! I had it all! I am the ultimate overlord, Metal Sonic! I AM THE REAL SONIC! ā€ž
~ Metal Overlord's breakdown and last words as he's defeated and reverted back to Neo Metal Sonic, all whilst maintaining his delusion.

Metal Sonic is the secondary antagonist of Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.

He is an evil robotic version of Sonic the Hedgehog created by the mad scientist Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, Most of the time, Metal Sonic is Dr. Eggman's right-hand and completely obedient enforcer. In addition to being programmed to serve Eggman, Metal Sonic carries only one goal in mind; destroy Sonic using abilities superior to his. He is also the second-in-command of the Eggman Empire and the second archenemy of Sonic the Hedgehog.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]


  • In CD, he kidnaps Amy Rose and forces Sonic to save her.
  • He has been seen throughout CD and Mania abusing animals.
  • He has tried multiple times to kill Sonic, no matter what, in every boss battle against him. Heā€™s also tried to kill Tails at times.
  • In Heroes, he betrays Eggman and disguises himself as him. He also copies all the characters so he can become the most powerful being in the world.
  • He states his plans to rule over a robot kingdom, implying that he plans to turn everything living into machines and rule the world.
  • In Episode Metal, he has been seen destroying multiple badniks while on his pursuit of Sonic, showing he can go rogue just to achieve this goal.
    • This also proves that he has little to no care for his fellow Badniks, as he is completely fine with massacring them with zero remorse for doing so.
  • In Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps, he is revealed to have taken part in Eggman's plan to extract the Wisps' life energy for his mind control ray.


  • He disguised himself as Eggman to take over the world and was willing to use the Master Emerald to take over Angel Island.
  • He was willing to kill Sonic, Knuckles and Shadow and many of their friends.
  • He mocked Shadow for ignoring Sonic's warning and giving him the final piece he needed to transform into Master Overlord. This subverts the kinship they shared in Rivals 2.
  • He went back to Eggman and restored his memories which makes him responsible for Eggman's villainy especially in the Metal Virus arc.
  • He and Dr. Starline tried to kill Sonic and Silver.
  • He brutally impaled G-merl through the chest during his fight with him, which deactivated and temporarily killed him.
  • Under Eggman's orders, he fought against Shadow after Zavokā€™s defeat and retreated once Eggman had gotten away.
  • Even though Belle the Tinkerer repaired and reactivated him after Surge and Kit short-circuited him, he ignored her pleas to stop attacking Sonic and Tails and showed no qualms with slapping her away when she directly stood in his way. Had Eggman told him not to destroy her, he would have done worse.
  • After Sonic defeated Surge, he was willing to kill Sonic and Tails before Kit intervened.
  • He punted a smaller Turtloid off of a larger Turtloid and proceeded to forcefully use the larger Turtloid as his ride (despite the Turtloids being fellow Badniks like him).
  • While he does serve Eggman, it isn't a redeeming quality since he betrays him in Sonic Heroes and usurps him. He's mainly loyal to Eggman and helps him out now because Eggman reprogrammed him, making his loyalty forced.
  • Despite being programmed to be loyal to Eggman, he still has moral agency, as seen with how heā€™s one of the few Badniks who actually attacks other Badniks.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the high heinous standard to Dr. Eggman who was willing to conquer multiple planets, drains the energy and tries to conquer the universe, Professor Gerald Robotnik who tried to destroy the world (and fails the heinous standards himself), Shadow the Hedgehog who did the same thing (and fails as well), Infinite who wanted to destroy the world and make a new one, and many other villains like Solaris, The End, Dark Gaia, and the Time Eater, who all attempted omnicide. Also, his plans to create a robot kingdom relies off Fridge Horror too much, as it's not stated what he plans to do to other life forms.
  • He has a few comedic moments in the series where he isn't taken seriously, such as in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, where he can be seen wearing a party hat and shirt that reads Let's Go Dad as the Mirage Express was approaching Eggman's base.
  • He does care for Orbot and Cubot, who look up to him as a brother, which is proved in IDW in the first few issue when he disguised himself as Eggman and him planning on ruling Angel Island is that he is happy that they are loyal to him and praised them when they do get it right. And, unlike his creator, he doesn't abuse Orbot and Cubot. In Rise of the Wisps, he puts up with their bumbling despite his annoyance. He may even care for Sage though this is unknown.
  • Despite hating Sonic so much as to refer to him as his "loathsome copy," he still shows some respect towards him as he comments "Well played" and that he shouldn't expect anything less after Sonic destroyed the Helmsbot guns before Metal ordered them to blow up the Tornado.
  • He's on & off as he teams up with Sonic and his friends in defeating other villains like Eggman Nega, Surge and Kit and even Zavok. While he does do this out of pragmatic reasons, he doesn't betray the heroes even after their alliances and doesn't make the situation worse and although he does attack the heroes after the Metal Virus was destroyed and after Surge was knocked unconscious by the overclocked Dynamo Cage, these were under Dr. Eggman's orders, so they donā€™t count as betrayals.

External Links[]


            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Villainous Benchmarks

Mainline/IDW Comics
Metal Sonic | Mirage Express
Chaos | Time Eater | Shadow the Hedgehog | Professor Gerald Robotnik

Clean Sweep Inc.
Mimic the Octopus | Surge the Tenrec

Sonic Cinematic Universe
Agent Stone | Dr. Robotnik

Sonic X
Red Pine | Yellow Zelkova | Dr. Eggman

Dr. Eggman | Colonel Granite | Naugus

Bowser | Dr. Eggman | Axem Yellow | Basilisx | Sonic The Hedgehog

                 The Headlined Villainous Benchmarks
Death (Puss in Boots)
Koopa General
Harry and Marv
Bowser Jr.
Metal Sonic
Darth Maul
Fairy Godmother
A-Train (TV)
Jesse Pinkman
Felonious Gru
Victor Frankenstein
Shadow the Hedgehog
Boss Wolf
Dr. Ivo Robotnik
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