Villainous Benchmark Wiki

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ā€œ What's with all the weird looks? Fine. Let me explain everything. I fought Landia by myself and lost. So, I fled to Planet Popstar. That's when the thought struck me... I could have you defeat Landia for me! A stroke of genius, I know. You even helped me repair my Starcutter. I really did appreciate that, by the way. Anyway... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The time has come for your planet... No! The time has come for the ENTIRE UNIVERSE to bow down to me. And for being such a big help in all of this, your planet gets to go first! Prepare to bow, Popstar! Welcome your new overlord! ā€ž
~ Magolor revealing his true intentions to Kirby and his friends upon obtaining the Master Crown.

Magolor is a major character in the Kirby franchise, most notably serving as the main antagonist turned tritagonist of Kirby's Return to Dream Land and the titular main protagonist of Magolor Epilogue. He is an interdimensional traveler who manipulated Kirby and his friends into helping him obtain the Master Crown so he could become all-powerful.

He is voiced by Hirokazu Ando.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • Seeking the power of the Master Crown to conquer the entire universe, he tried to murder the good dragon Landia and take it off her corpse, only to be forced to flee to Planet Popstar when she was able to defend herself efficiently.
  • He manipulated Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, King Dedede and Meta Knight into pummeling Landia and stealing the Master Crown from her unconscious form so he could use it to rule over the universe. He even decided to sadistically start with the friends' home planet Popstar as "thanks" for the quartet's hard work and departs with the Lor Starcutter, leaving them stranded on Halcandra.
  • He attempts to kill Kirby and his friends once they stand up to stop his plans, even using his own sentient ship that they spent the majority of the game fixing to fight them.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the Heinous Standard of the franchise since, while taking over the universe is a very heinous act, it pales in comparison to the cataclysmic crimes committed and/or attempted by villains such as Fecto Elfilis, Star Dream, Dark Meta Knight, Void Termina, Dark Nebula, Queen Sectonia, and even the Master Crown itself, the latter of whom wanted to annihilate the entirety of creation and used him to accomplish that.
  • He is very affable to Kirby and his friends, remaining this way even after revealing his true intentions are revealed.
  • His assimilation by the Master Crown is treated sympathetically, with the game describing him as a tragic husk possessed by the crown's power and encouraging Kirby to save him before he's too far gone. KRtDlDX's True Arena's Magolor Soul boss fight even shows what could've happened had Kirby failed to save Magolor, with the latter's soul ending up completely shattered by the Crown.
  • He never wanted to help the Master Crown destroy the multiverse, showing he has standards.
  • After being defeated by Kirby and losing his powers, he ultimately redeems himself by destroying the Master Crown, after which he travels to the Dream Kingdom and becomes a friendly shopkeeper who helps Team Kirby in their quests before returning to Dream Land and making up for his crimes by building an amusement park for Kirby and his friends and helping him defeat the Jambastion Cult.


  • Its unknown how powerful Magolor was before the events of Return To Dreamland but, its pretty much confirmed he was already powerful. This is supported by the fact he fought Landia alone and while he lost, he was considered enough of a threat to warrant him and his allies being targeted throughout the game.
    • This is further supported by Star Allies and later Return To Dreamland Deluxe, the later of which makes a clear distinction on what powers belong to Magolor and which ones belong to the Master Crown itself. As it turns out, he keeps the majority of his move set from his bossfight in both games, despite not being empowered by the Master Crown. He also mentions losing his powers in The Magolor Epilogue and has the opportunity to gain them back, implying he already had them before stealing the Master Crown.
    • Even in the original game his boss pause screen menu states "he's a liar! And a wizard!" which heavily implies he lied about being defenseless to Kirby.
  • It's implied that Magolor was brainwashed by the Master Crown, as it's described that the crown enhances the darkness inside the hearts of its wearer. That said, it's also appears that Magolor intended to take over the universe long before the crown's corruption even set in.
  • Some of his dialogue for his power upgrades in Magolor Epilogue implies he was insecure about his power and wanted the crown so he could become stronger. However, this isn't elaborated upon enough.

External Links[]


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