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"Lowell there... likes 'em a bit broken in."
~ Polliver to Sandor Clegane.

Lowell, is a minor antagonist in the television series Game of Thrones. He is a soldier who fighting for House Lannister in the War of the Five Kings under the command of Ser Gregor Clegane.

He was portrayed by Unidentified actor.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • He, Polliver and a few henchmen are committing robberies.
  • When the Hound and Arya are entering, Polliver and his men are preparing to gang-rape the daughter of the inn-keeper and threatening him to take her with him as a sex slave when the inn-keeper protests.
  • Recognizing the Hound, he explains that they are using the fact that the war against Robb Stark is won to rape, rob and pillage their way through the Riverlands and asks the Hound if he wants to join them.
  • As the Hound announced on taken some chickens, he offers him the deal that he will give them to him if he gives them Arya so they can rape her (who's just 13 years old at this point).
  • With his men he tried to kill the Hound, but get his defeat when the Hound caused him to get stabbed by his own weapon.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He does certainly pass the general baseline, but due to his crimes being common in the series he fails the heinous standards.

External Links[]


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Beyond the Wall
Mance Rayder | Tormund Giantsbane | Styr | Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg

Night's Watch
Alliser Thorne | Brant | Derek | Stiv | Wallen

The North
Locke | Myranda | Rickard Karstark | Master Torturer | Tom

The Vale of Arryn
Lysa Arryn | Mord

Black Walder Frey | Lothar Frey | Biter | Rorge| Lem Lemoncloak | Gatins

Iron Islands
Aeron Greyjoy | Theon Greyjoy | Yara Greyjoy | Dagmer Cleftjaw | Lorren

Jaime Lannister | Ilyn Payne | Sandor Clegane | Weasel | Lowell

Viserys Targaryen | Bronn | Boros Blount | High Sparrow | Septa Unella | Hallyne | Varys

Robert Baratheon | Stannis Baratheon

The Reach
Bronn | Mace Tyrell | Loras Tyrell | Randyll Tarly

Ellaria Sand | Sand Snakes

Free Cities
Belicho Paenymion | Daario Naharis | Illyrio Mopatis | Waif | Sorcerer

Dothraki Sea
Drogo | Mago | Qotho | Brozho | Rhalko | Forzho

Mirri Maz Duur

Slaver's Bay
Grey Worm | Hizdahr zo Loraq | Greizhen mo Ullhor | Cleon the Great | Yezzan zo Qaggaz | Vala

Pyat Pree | Xaro Xhoan Daxos


See Also
Warner Bros. Villainous Benchmarks

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Animated Features
Gollum | Witch-king of Angmar | Drake | Rex Dangervest

Live-Action Features
Tuco Ramirez | Pamela Voorhees | Beetlejuice | Bane | Severus Snape | Lucius Malfoy | Gollum | Dr. Sivana | Skull Devil | Henry Bowers | Mechagodzilla | Bloodsport | Peacemaker

Animated Television
Chester | Madame Margaret | Negative Numbuh 4 | Terra | Viceroy Nute Gunray | Poggle the Lesser | Barriss Offee | Tal Merrik | Boba Fett | Son | Ice King | The Grand Inquisitor | Darth Maul | Arihnda Pryce

Live-Action Television
Silvio Dante | Zack Powers | Peacemaker

Video Games
Bane | Mr. Freeze | Ferris Boyle | Professor Pyg

Jack Skellington

See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Villainous Benchmarks | Amblin Entertainment Villainous Benchmarks | Batman Villainous Benchmarks | Cartoon Network Villainous Benchmarks | DreamWorks Villainous Benchmarks | Don Bluth Villainous Benchmarks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Villainous Benchmarks | Powerpuff Girls Villainous Benchmarks | Tim Burton Villainous Benchmarks
