“ | Is he friend, or is he foe?", the pony wonders. I can assure you… I am no friend. I am Lord Tirek, and I will take what should have been mine long ago! | „ |
~ Tirek while stealing a unicorn's magic. |
“ | You're right, dear father. One day, I will overpower you. I will take this land for myself. And once that is done, it is I who will journey to Equestria and do what the elder could not. One day… I will be an indomitable force! | „ |
~ Young Tirek plotting his future. |
“ | Turns out that the magic of friendship is your biggest weakness! A fitting end to your pathetic story. | „ |
~ Tirek taunting the Mane 6 in their final confrontation. |
Tirek, also known as Lord Tirek, is one of the main antagonists of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He appears as the main antagonist of Season 4, a minor antagonist in Season 5, the overarching antagonist of Season 8, and one of the three main antagonists of Season 9 (alongside Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow). Being the G4 incarnation of the G1's first villain ever Tirac, he is an archenemy to Discord and Twilight Sparkle.
He is a power-hungry centaur who stole ponies' magic on his conquest to rule Equestria, but was defeated by Twilight and her friends. During his imprisonment, he conspired with Cozy Glow into helping her stealing the magic from Equestria as a revenge, but his plan backfired as a result. He was later summoned by Grogar alongside Chrysalis and Cozy into joining the evil organization called Legion of Doom. He and his comrades were defeated by Twilight and her friends once again.
He is voiced by Mark Acheson.
His Evil Ranking[]
His Villainous Deeds[]
In General/Background[]
- He's implied to be racist towards ponies and believes that friendship is a form of imprisonment.
- His relationship with his father and his brother Scorpan "betraying" him and getting him imprisoned are not very good excuses for his actions for the following reasons:
- The reason he was imprisoned was because he was unstable and didn't understand the true meaning of friendship, which is supported by his sadism, brutality, and temper tantrums throughout the series. It's also implied that he was already heinous even before he had a bad relationship with his father.
- He absorbed hundreds of ponies' magic who had nothing to do with his imprisonment or relationship with his father at all.
- When Discord reminded him of his father, Tirek responded by blasting him.
- Tirek sometimes bullied his brother for being too sensitive and abused him.
- In his backstory he tried to steal a pony's magic which caused an explosion that trapped the pony and his mentor Sendak inside a cave, he left them for dead, and Sendak was captured by King Vorax and sent to work in the mines for life.
- He said he would overthrow his father and then journey to Equestria to do what the elder could not.
- He seeks to steal all magic from Equestria to become all-powerful and to rule over it with an iron fist.
- He even outheinouses Discord due to the fact Discord didn’t cause as much damage yet had more resources than him.
Season 4[]
- When Celestia woke up from a vision of him returning, she was in great fear and said it was the most terrible dream she ever had, implying that Tirek's crimes that lead to his imprisonment in Tartarus were severe enough to traumatize her.
- After Cerberus left his post, Tirek escaped from Tartarus to continue his journey of stealing all magic from Equestria.
- Absorbed 2 unicorns' magic in an alley.
- Shown to have rejected the friendship with other ponies, his brother Scorpan, and Discord, believed it to be weakness.
- Convinced Discord to joined his side by promising "freedom" from friendship, which he would used him to help him with his conquest to steal all magic from Equestria.
- Absorbing all magic from pegasi, unicorns, and Earth ponies across all Equestria to gain stronger.
- Without the magic, there will be no more rain or food (due to stealing flight and speed from the pegasi and strength from the Earth ponies) and the ponies in Equestria would likely die early in his rule from thirst or starvation if he stayed in power, showing how truly vile he is.
- According to Cozy Glow, Tirek absorbed not only their magic, but their life energy as well. This is likely true from how weak and lifeless the ponies are after being absorbed.
- Attacked Canterlot to seek for the princesses' magic, even absorbing a guard and Shining Armor's magic.
- Imprisoned Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance at Tartarus, after promising that he would make everypony "bow to his will" meaning he will enslave their subjects, as revenge for his imprisonment.
- After discovering Twilight is a fourth princess, he immediately leaving the stained glass window of Twilight to be melted.
- Captured Twilight's friends and absorbed their magic (with the exception of Spike, since he is a dragon and does not have magic).
- Betrayed Discord and later absorbed his magic. This is hypocritical given his resentment to Scorpan for in his mind doing the same thing.
- Destroyed Twilight's original home at Ponyville, the Golden Oak Library and caused mass destruction in their battle.
- If it weren't for Twilight, Owlowiscious could've been killed when the Golden Oak Library is destroyed.
- Offering Twilight to trade all her magic to him if she wanted her friends back to her, which she agreed and he released her friends, even Discord reluctantly.
- Painfully absorbing all Twilight's alicorn magic, making him even more powerful.
- Causing a rampage throughout the Everfree Forest.
Season 5[]
- His actions in the Season 4 finale traumatized Twilight and Spike to the point where they avoid their castle.
- In alternate timeline, he was briefly shown laying waste to Equestria, hinting he decided to destroy it after it eventually became lifeless without rain and crops.
Season 8[]
- Conspired with Cozy Glow, who become his protégé, into draining all magic from Equestria in order to get revenge on the Mane Six for defeating him and have them trapped in Tartarus for eternity.
- However, he quickly changed his mind after realizing that being trapped with the Mane Six was a bad idea for him.
- It's also implied that he was the one who corrupted Cozy Glow in the first place.
- Though he helped the Mane Six escape from Tartarus by giving Twilight his remaining magic to her for escape, he only did it to get Pinkie Pie to stop annoying him.
Season 9[]
- Fearing of how powerful Grogar is and hating how much he punishes them he, along with Cozy and Chrysalis secretly decided to use the Bewitching Bell but in their scheme behind his back to overthrow him.
- Infiltrated the Canterlot library's forbidden wing with his comrades to learn how to activate the Bewitching Bell.
- It is obvious that he was going to betray Chrysalis after absorbing her magic to get the Bewitching Bell and only gave it back to her out of fear of what Grogar would do to him.
- Took part of sabotaging the Summer Sun Celebration by stealing all magic from several ponies. He is also shown stealing a pie as well.
- Along with Cozy and Chrysalis, he spread rumors to turn the three pony tribes against each other to weaken the power of friendship which in turn caused the return of the Windigos, who would have turned Equestria into a frozen wasteland.
- Betrayed and turned against Grogar by absorbing his magic, only for him to be revealed to be Discord in disguise.
- Defeated the Pillars of Old Equestria and stole their magic.
- After taunting Twilight about how they turned the ponies against each other, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow blew up the Canterlot castle. It's possible that there were a few other ponies in the castle at the time that were either injured or killed in the process.
- He and his comrades attempt to kill Twilight before Rarity intervenes.
- He and his comrades imprisoned Twilight's friends, the Princesses, Pillars, and Discord in the Canterlot catacombs. It's also implied that after being distracted so that the Mane Six could escape, he absorbed Starlight Glimmer's magic in order to keep her from escaping.
- Tried to blast and kill Discord for taunting him about his father.
- Tried to prevent the Mane Six from reaching the Bewitching of Bell just to remain powerful.
- While it is Chrysalis who threatened to rip off Spike's wings if the Mane Six don't surrender, he didn't care or protest. When he and his comrades were about to finish them off including Spike, Tirek cruelly mocks them by saying that friendship is their weakness and a pathetic ending fit to their story, but it was actually their cruelty to be their weaknesses.
- Having enough of the Equestrian army, he and his comrades were about to destroy them. He beat and knocked many of them unconscious in the battle.
Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]
- He relies on Fridge Horror more than once:
- His act of draining everypony of their magic isn't shown to be painful or torturous because all it does is basically depower them.
- Him laying rampage on an alternative timeline doesn't really meant anyone died and he was just only causing mass destruction as he usually does whenever he can.
- Much like Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, they never announced any intent to kill the characters when thay came to aid the Mane 6 despite attacking them, specially compared to King Sombra who in his second revival mentioned he would do so towards anyone who got in his way or defied him while having no issues doing so.
- Despite meeting the baseline "kill-the-heroes" with 8 characters, he still fails the heinous standards to King Sombra who has outdone his worst crimes with less resources, power and screentime, the Storm King who attempted to destroy Canterlot with a tornado, Sunset Shimmer who despite having a lower attempted murder psychologically abused the Mane Six out of sadism and Queen Chrysalis who had similar resources and did worse than him.
- Resources don't help since he was more powerful than them (with the possible exception of King Sombra before the Legion of Doom got the Bewitching Bell) while also having the Bewitching Bell and yet still didn't do any worse as he could, thus failing the individual capability due to holding back on his resources.
- Despite his hatred towards his brother and father and indifference towards his mother, he genuinely cared for his grandmother "Gram-Gram," as shown when he berated Cozy Glow for making fun of her.
- He has some degree of honor.
- He gave back Twilight's friends to her at her request, even Discord after Twilight's insistence.
- He gave Chrysalis her magic back after the deal they made to get the Bewitching Bell despite their previous differences and arguments.
- He alongside Chrysalis and Cozy simply buried Rusty Bucket in snow rather than kill him or steal his magic even though they had no real reason to let him live and risk being squealed on which shows he's capable of sparing someone's life.
- Once retrieving the Bewitching Bell he and Cozy almost redeemed themselves before Chrysalis quickly snapped the two out of it.
- In "The Summer Sun Setback" he catches a bird and lets it fly away safely after it was blown away by the Canterlot castle's air defenses.
- He is shown to have standards:
- He mentioned to Cozy that making magic disappear forever was a bit too extreme and even regreted giving her the idea.
- He and Cozy were against Chrysalis using the Windigos for her own gain, telling her that it would be unwise to leave them unchecked.
- He has comedic moments that prevents him from being taken seriously and even be NPE:
- Constantly putting his muscles and strenght over anything more important.
- Pinkie Pie annoying him after he realised his plan would have led to the Mane 6 being traped with him forever.
- His peformance in the song "Better Way to be Bad".
- Stealing a pie from a chart after stealing the magic of the ponies.
- Losing a tooth during the final battle with the Mane 6.
- Having a giant cupcake squishing him alongside Chrysalis and Cozy Glow during their defeat.
- He was originally Inconsistently Heinous, but was removed likely because he relied on Fridge Horror too much.
External Links[]
Villainous Benchmarks | ||
Canon Generation 4 Equestria Girls My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) Generation 5 Fanon |