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Lord Betrayus is the main antagonist of the 2013 animated tv series Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures. He is also the main antagonist of the Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures video game and its sequel.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • In his debut episode he sends his ghost to the Pac World so he can rule Pac World and threaten President Spheros that Pac World will be his.
    • He also committed genocide towards "The Yellow Ones".
  • He send the big scary spider in the Pac World to kill Pac Man.
  • He told Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde to make sure Pac-Man eat as many food as he can so he can be full and won't be able to consumed the ghost he will be sending to Pac World.
  • He sent Dr. Buttocks in the Pac World to possess President Spheros then go to his office room to steal the repository to get their bodies back.
  • He sadistically laughs at Pac-Man when he got the Zit disease all over his face and then send his ghost minions all over Pac World.
  • He was planning to ruin independence day before Pac-Man and his friends test Sir Cumference new invention. Also when he was a ruler of Pac World he ruled it with a ironfist and started a PacWorld War I.
  • He plan to steal the power berries and he stole the power berries from Skeebo who deliver it for him and tied him up. Then when he and Dr. Buttocks realize that Skeebo eat all the power berries he tried to kill Skeebo with his flames.
  • He send two big ghost minions to steal the repository. When he realize he can't open the repository he told his ghost minions to open it for him.
  • He command Blinky, Inky, Clyde and Pinky to find the repository and when he saw Pac-Man is in his fire form he send his minions to attack him.
  • He send Buttler to Pac World so he can let Pac-Man eat him so the micro chip will go to Pac-Man belly so he can control Pac-Man and torture him.
  • He was planning to suck Pac-Man brain and put his limited brain in a little bottle when he saw Pac Man, Sir Conference and his friends is in the Netherworld he sends his ghost and monsters minions to capture Pac-Man and his co.
  • He had a dragon fire breathing in the pipes to go upwards to the Pac World so it can be extremely hot that it makes the people in Pac Worlx extremely sweaty and with Cylindra having heat rash.
  • He has a petty agenda towards Spheria Suprema for being the Pac Pong champion and beating him in the finale in the past. He wants Sphera to have a rematch in Pac Pong he pours his sludge drink all over his ghost minions by said "I am the best, Me, Me!!". He also cheats in the Pac Pong rematch against Sphera by letting Buttler and his ghost minions help him to win the competition. Unfortunately, Pac-Man and his friends manage to eat Buttler and eat Dr. Buttocks glasses.
  • He sends his scary ghost minion to steal the globe thing so the Secret of the tree will be his.
  • He sends his ghosts after Pac-Man so he would fail his driving test and put a big ghost minion to run in the drill in the Netherworld to cause an earthquake to destroy the Pac World.
  • He summons Madam Gulacia so he can have the bad luck potion to spread bad luck to Pac Man and he sends his ghost minions in Pac World so Pac-Man would get bad luck and he wouldn't consume them.
  • He and Dr. Buttocks create the ghosteroid to destroy Pac World.
  • He hired The Pacinator so he can froze the Pac-Man forever.
  • He went to PacLantis to find the youth berry tree so he can conquer Pac World.
  • He summons Pacula to scare the Pac World citizens, he sends his ghost minions to terrorize the citizens in Pac World and he send Buttler and Dr. Buttocks to help Pacula find Pac-Man.
  • He sends multiple versions of Dr. Buttocks and make big version of dinosaur to kill Pac-Man and his friends and use the microchip to control the big dinosaur so he can destroy Pac World.
  • He possesses into his mother's body so he can find the repository and send his ghost minions to the Pac World only stop when his mother said he was a bad boy and he cried.
  • When he realizes Ape has a pointy laser, he wants him to be in his team and send Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde to put in a smile to invite Apex into the Nether world.
  • When he got frustrated with his ghost minions of always failing to get the repository and said " is that hard to ask" but he was most disappointed with Dr. Buttocks who keeps failing him in his invention where he has enough and hire Spector. He berated Dr. Buttick that Spector has accomplished more than he did but when Spector said he still hasn't founded it he said "keep up the good work".
  • He attempted murdering Skeebo and caged him in Betrayus' dungeons in "Heebo Skeebo".
  • He teams up with Apex on taking over the world. He was planning to betrayed Apex once they are done conquering the world. He sends his ghost minion to attack Pac World. Once Apex was defeated, he was angry that Dr. Buttocks strip his throne room.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the heinous standard to the Ghosteroid who wanted to destroy the Pac world and the Netherworld. He also fails the heinous standard to Apex who has more resources and achieved at ruling the entire world as well.
  • He is too comedic and mischievous to be PE or NPE.
  • He is extremely incompetent as his plans usually backfire all the time and he even get backstabbed by other villains like Apex and Spector.
  • He is a whiny crybaby and acts like a man child when he loses he threw a big tantrum also when he saw his mom being favored by President Spheros he acts kike a crybaby and wish he gets the attention even when her mom said he was a bad boy he cried like a man child.
  • Despite abusing and mistreating them when he fails, he still cares for Dr. Buttocks and Butt-ler to a extent.
  • While he did it for pragmatic reasons, he teams up with Pac Man in Planet Pac where he teams up with Pac Man and the resident of Pac World by sending Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde in space to protect and keep Pac- Man safe to save the whole world and in Invasion of the Pointy Heads when he agree that him and all of his ghost will be consumed so that he will burped out the ghost eyeballs and scare the Apex forces making him On and Off.
  • He sometimes shows some standards when he was disgusted and mad that Madam Gulacia forced him to marry her despite Betrayus not liking her at all.
  • He does show some respect and care for Pac-Man as he was willing to team up with him to defeat other villains like in the episode "Planet Pac", "Invasion of Pointy Heads" and "Easter Egg Island", even when it makes Betrayus look ineffectual and more prone to failure.
    • He also said in the Jinxed episode he would rather live with the lemon head than being married to Madam Gulacia when he admits that he doesn't like Madam Gulacia at all. He even admits in "Planet Pac" that he shows concern to the Pac-Man's life so he can save everyone from the Ghosteroid, for as unlikely as it sounds.

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