Villainous Benchmark Wiki

Perhaps you didn’t hear me. He is expendable, as are you. And if you speak to me again with such disrespect, I'll see to it you meet a similar fate, clone. Now leave him and get back to work, while you're still useful.
~ Nolan to Crosshair, revealing his irredeemable nature - also his last words.

Lieutenant Nolan is a minor yet pivotal antagonist in Season 2 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, serving as the main antagonist of the 12th episode "The Outpost".

He is a lieutenant in The Imperial Army sent to Barton-4 to overseer the failing operations but repeatedly remarked xenophobic hatred/disgust towards the clones. This would ultimately cause his death after his hatred went too far and left Mayday to die infront of Crosshair which made him snap and killed him.

He was voiced by Crispin Freeman.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • Immediately after introducing himself as Crosshair's commanding officer, he overheard clones talking which makes him rolls his eyes as he expresses disgust to Crosshair about clones.
  • When Crosshair asked him what's the matter, he responds with saying he doesn't like clones since there simply "used equipment "showing that he is xenophobic.
  • After he almost slip due to the planet’s icy surface, one of his clones' grabs him and Nolan ungratefully tells him to guard the ship in an angered tone thus leaving the clone to freeze in the wind.
  • While he did report to Mayday this is simply pragmatic since it's a part of The Empire's schedule.
  • Despite Mayday being a commander, Nolan refers to him as a trooper.
  • He wants Mayday to speak with respect which is hypocritically considering how distrustful he is to clones.
  • Doesn't even respect Mayday telling him he can't decide between reinforcements or what is valuable.
  • He rudely asks the Stormtroopers to step aside while preparing for Mayday and Crosshair thus showing how he doesn't care for them any more than he does clones.
  • When Mayday needed a medic not only does Nolan keep insulting him, he straight up lets him die thus indirectly killing Mayday and permanently changing Crosshair’s heart. Although Mayday did tease him over not having led enough missions, it’s justified due to Nolan not respecting him first and even then, this was still too extreme.
  • He called Crosshair expendable and threatens to kill Crosshair if he doesn't get respect only to be killed by him.
  • His death is played for satisfaction. Even Dr. Hemlock isn't concerned about Crosshair killing him, and in fact compliments him for it.
  • Despite the serious high standards, he stands out due to his rude nature towards clones and even allowing one to die.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He is genuinely loyal to The Empire since strictly he goes by the Empire’s schedule alone and is overall just an enforcer that wants to solidify what the Empire truly thinks about clones.
  • He fails the high heinous standards massively compared to others as the worst he really did was let one of his soldiers die and being racist. This makes him a Hate Sink, not a remarkably heinous villain.
  • Despite being racist towards clones, he arguably treats them better than Pong Krell (a pure evil) since unlike Krell, he doesn't commit mass murder on the clones and gives Crosshair and Mayday a chance to succeed in their mission before ultimately neglecting them for failing it, regardless of whether this is a redeeming quality or just pragmatism that mitigates from his villainy. To put this into perspective, Krell is also racist towards clones for pettier, whereas Nolan's racism isn't too uncommon in the empire.

External Links[]


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Lord Hater | Mandrake the Malfeasant | Dr. Screwball Jones | Sourdough the Evil Sandwich | Commander Peepers

Sasha Waybright | Cloak-Bot

Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Crosshair | Lieutenant Nolan | Dr. Royce Hemlock

2nd Dimension Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Ludo | Johnny Worthington III | Kylo Ren | Lord Fathom | Romeo | The Barrister Ghosts | Senator Dagonet

Live-Action Television
Marvel Television
Bill Fisk

Boba Fett | The Third Sister | The Grand Inquisitor

Marvel Studios
Agatha Harkness | Tyler Hayward | Winter Soldier | Baron Zemo | Abomination

See Also
20th Century Studios Villainous Benchmarks | DuckTales Villainous Benchmarks | Marvel Cinematic Universe Villainous Benchmarks | Paramount Villainous Benchmarks | Pixar Villainous Benchmarks | Star Wars Villainous Benchmarks | The Lion King Villainous Benchmarks | The Owl House Villainous Benchmarks | Tim Burton Villainous Benchmarks

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Disney Canon
Confederacy of Independent Systems
Executive Separatist Council (Viceroy Nute Gunray | Archduke Poggle the Lesser)
Officials and Operatives (Senator Tal Merrik | Asajj Ventress)

Galactic Empire
Officials and Military Officers (Admiral Conan Antonio Motti | Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett | Governor Arihnda Pryce | Lieutenant Nolan | Vice Admiral Rampart)
Operatives and Other Officials (Commander Crosshair | Dr. Royce Hemlock)
Inquisitorius (The Grand Inquisitor | The Third Sister | Barriss Offee)
First Order
Kylo Ren
Shadow Collective
Darth Maul

Fett gotra
Boba Fett

Other Sith and Dark Side Force-Users
The Stranger | Barriss Offee | Son | Darth Maul

Bounty Hunters
Boba Fett | Embo

Clone Troopers
Commander Crosshair | Commander Scorch | CX-2

Jabba the Hutt

Legends Canon
Desann | Ulic Qel-Droma
