Villainous Benchmark Wiki

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ā€œ Toga: Ochaco... You're wonderful, too. You've got the same smell as me. There's someone you like, right? And you feel like you want to be like that person, right?
Ochaco: [flashback] I'll win! I'll win and be like Deku, too!
Toga: I can tell. Because you're a maiden like me.
Ochaco: [thoughts] What... is with her?
Toga: You want to be the same as the person you like, right? It's only natural, right? You end up wearing the same things and stuff... But eventually, not even that's enough... You end up wanting to become that person, right? It can't be helped, right? What kind of person do you like? I love people who are beat up and smell like blood! That's why in the end, I always cut them up! Hey, Ochako, you're having fun, right? It's fun talking about our crushes, right?
~ Toga to Ochaco
ā€œ No. I will love, live, and die normally. I want to become... more like what I love! ā€ž
~ Toga to Curious
ā€œ I am Himiko Toga. I live and love how I please. That's how I made my way in life. Just a normal girl! With the cutest smile in the world. ā€ž
~ Toga's final words.

Himiko Toga is a major antagonist in the My Hero Academia franchise.

She's an A-Rank villain who's a suspect on the run for serial murders involving blood drainage. She was affiliated with the League of Villains, being a member of the Vanguard Action Squad before its disbandment and merging with the Meta Liberation Army into the Paranormal Liberation Front, becoming one of its nine lieutenants.

Like Dabi and Spinner, she idolizes Stain and his ways of life and decided to join the League, which was believed to harbor the Hero Killer's cause. However, unlike the other two, she is only interested in Stain's ideals, simply because of bloodshed and murder. She serves as the arch-nemesis of Ochaco Uraraka and a rival for Izuku's affection.

She is voiced by Misato Fukuen in Japanese, and Leah Clark in English.

Her Evil Ranking[]

Her Villainous Deeds[]

  • Attacked and seriously hurt Saito, a boy in her middle school, with a box cutter then sucked his blood from the wound with a straw.
  • Went on to kill multiple people through blood drainage. Her introduction was even with her in front of a man she recently killed.
  • Aided the Vanguard Action Squad in attacking the U.A. training camp to kidnap Katsuki Bakugo.
  • Attacked Ochaco and Tsuyu and attempted to drain their blood with her blood-sucking machine.
  • After developing an infatuation with Izuku because of his beat-up appearance, she tried stabbing him, but he was fortunately saved by Shoji.
  • When disguised as Camie at the Hero's Entrance Exam, she harasses Izuku with unwanted physical contact.
  • During the hero's raid in Kai's hideout, she ambushed Rock Lock and stabbed him in the back.
  • Disguised herself as the aforementioned Rock Lock to get close to Izuku in another attempt at stabbing him to death.
  • Alongside the rest of the League, massacred the Creature Rejection Clan. Even though they were a racist cult, the act wasn't done out of nobleness; they just wanted to steal from them because they were low on funds.
  • After her Quirk awakened and she gained access to Ochaco's Zero Gravity Quirk, she uses it to brutally murder Curious and her followers.
  • After Twice's death, she disguised herself as a hero and went on a killing spree, butchering every hero in sight to avenge him despite knowing Hawks was the one who killed him.
  • Possibly killed an old lady and drained her blood to take on her appearance just to lure Ochaco into an abandoned warehouse to ask her a question.
  • While she originally had a (even if twisted) love for Izuku and Ochaco, this is subverted as she started to see them as no better than her parents.
  • Using the blood Dabi gave her, she transforms into Twice and uses his Double Quirk to unleash countless clones on the heroes at the ruins of the Gunga Mountain Villa with the intent on killing them all.
  • During her rampage, she initially refused to listen to Ochaco's attempts to get through to her and stabbed her in the gut.
  • She manages to outheinous Stain by killing more people than him despite having less resources.

Why Doesn't She Stand Out?[]

  • Despite easily passing the baseline due to her high kill count, she fails the incredibly high heinous standard of My Hero Academia, where mass murder happens on a regular basis and is committed/attempted by nearly all of the villains in the series. While she can't be compared to Tomura Shigaraki or Overhaul given they are leaders of large criminal organizations, she is still clearly out-heinoused by Dabi, who used his background to tarnish the reputation of his own father which led to Japan turning against heroes in general and tried to turn himself into a living bomb to kill thousands of people while possessing similar (if not less) resources compared to Toga.
  • She's very sympathetic:
    • When her quirk manifested as a young girl, her parents put immense pressure on her to suppress her urges to drink blood, and rather than be supportive, seek advice from medical professionals, or find some alternative, they instead called her a freak and treated her as an outcast. This eventually led to her snapping - attacking a classmate she had a crush on in order to drink his blood.
    • After being forced to go on the run from the police, she abandoned her family, but her need for love and affection resulted in her reaching out to the League of Villains.
    • She saw that other people could show love that others as it was a nice gesture, however when she tried to do the same, she was called a monster.
    • She is genuinely insecure as she saw that other people could be happy, but she couldnā€™t.
    • Her quirk gives her an uncontrollable need to consume blood which she canā€™t control and she never got the proper help she needed as a child turning her into the villain that she is today.
  • She genuinely loves the League members and views them as her friends:
    • She was upset with Overhaul for killing Magne and hurting Mr. Compress, expressing her intent to make him and the other Yakuza pay.
    • She corrected Overhaul when he misgendered Magne.
    • When Twice started panicking after losing his mask, she gave him a handkerchief for him to cover up his face.
    • She also went into a vengeful rage when Twice was killed and admitted later to Ochaco that he was like a big brother to her.
    • Additionally, during her rampage in the ruins of the Gunga Mountain Villa, she claimed to love both Shigaraki and Dabi.
  • Thanks to her insanity and warped view on the world, she has some clear moral agency issues.
    • She genuinely believes she is showing people love when she hurts or stabs them.
  • At the climax of their battle, she finally responds to Ochaco's attempts to empathize with her when Ochako reached out and through to her, pouring her heart out to the hero and revealing what her life was like prior to joining the League of Villains, telling her her backstory of why she became this way and ultimately decided not to stab her and hug her instead, redeeming herself in the process. She eventually sacrifices herself for Ochaco and gives her blood up to her so Ochaco can live not caring if she dies. This also makes her death very sympathetic as she dies saving Ochaco instead of getting a proper redemption.

External Links[]


          My-Hero-Academia-Logo Villainous Benchmarks

League Of Villains
Himiko Toga | Twice

Meta Liberation Army
Curious | Re-Destro

Endeavor | Stain | Lady Nagant

Joe's Cosmic Saga
Minoru Mineta (Joe's Cosmic Saga) | Mount Lady (Joe's Cosmic Saga) | Rody Soul (Joe's Cosmic Saga)

All For Luz: Toshiko Shigaraki | Kennedy Jennkins | Riley Stewardson
