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ā€œ I'm really getting into this game. I can play these losers like a violin. ā€ž
~ Heather

Heather is a major antagonist in the Canadian animated franchise Total Drama. She is a competitor in the games who is obsessed with winning the prize money and will manipulate anybody to do so.

She was voiced by Rachel Wilson.

Her Evil Ranking[]

Her Villainous Deeds[]

  • She can be genuinely cruel, as seen when she put traps on Gwen's way to fall to her death in a sea full of hungry sharks in the finale, even calling birds to distract her in a hope to try to cause her this painful death, this would endanger Owen too, all of this for petty reasons for hating Gwen.
  • She manipulates Lindsay and Beth into being her closest allies, knowing they are both dumb or desperate enough to be "friends" with her.
  • She insults Leshawna about her hair and says she is more popular than her.
  • In a ploy to eliminate the opposite team's most physically apt player, she steals Eva's MP3 player knowing she will lose her temper and cause her teammates to turn against her, thus getting her eliminated.
  • She read Gwen's diary out loud to all of the contestants (and on live as well as international TV) about her secret crush on Trent during the talent show, something that even disgusts Chris McLean.
  • During the paintball challenge, she forces Beth to get her potato chips, indirectly leading her to endangering herself, then showing no gratitude when she arrives just because doesn't like the chips.
  • During the treasure hunt challenge, she stole Gwen's boyfriend, Trent, by forcefully kissing him just to break him and Gwen up.
  • During the I-build-a Mystery Assembly challenge, she chased Cody with a sledgehammer intending to severely harm him just because he designed a Viking ship of Gwenā€™s head. She also tried to do the same to Sierra who defended Cody from her.
  • She helped Alejandro throw Cody in a beach of sharks to win the game which could have gotten him eaten and killed.

Why Doesn't She Stand Out?[]

  • While she passes the baseline thanks to her personal villainy towards Gwen and the numerous atrocities she committed, she fails the Heinous Standards to Mal who was responsible of 4 indirect deaths and took part in high cruelty and Courtney who directly risked the lives of 20+ people, both of whom have similar resources.
  • She is on & off. While not outright redeeming herself, she begins to show fewer corrupting qualities and shows sympathetic qualities, especially in World Tour. However, she reverts back to her Island self ever since her cameo in Revenge, so this is minor.
  • Even though she spends most time trying to feign it, she has a love for Alejandro who has a similarly manipulative personality. By the end of All Stars, she has happily fallen in love with Alejandro and doesn't turn on him until coerced by Chris, who offered one of them 1 million dollars in the race. However, it isn't that major as she still can be sadistic with him such as mocking him when he was attacked by Fang.
  • She sometimes has moments of kindness, like when she hugs DJ during his elimination in Total Drama Island and when she helps Sierra after she lost her hair as she believes that no girl should ever have to be bald on national TV.
  • She has plenty of comedic slapstick moments, especially like most notably being getting slapstick karma by Leshawna and Gwen.

External Links[]


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Heather | Alejandro Burromuerto | Sasquatchanakwa

See Also
Cartoon Network Villainous Benchmarks
