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Hank Huckerdoo is a major antagonist in SuperMarioLogan, being the main antagonist of Season 15. He is Marvin's arch-rival and neighbor.

He is portrayed by Lance Thirtyacre, who also played Barbara Guy.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • While he appears to be a friendly and good parent, this is merely a facade masking his heartless and abusive nature. When people visit his home, he barely attempts to hide his true self, speaking rudely and even using offensive slurs, such as calling Jonathan a "retard," which is considered highly derogatory.
  • In his first episode, he was exceptionally mean to his neighbor Marvin. He insulted Marvin's lawn and laughed at it. After winning the "Lawn of the Year" competition, he mocked Marvin by having sex with his wife on the trophy, right in front of him.
  • He is also massively homophobic, harboring prejudices against the LGBT community and adhering to the outdated and debunked belief that homosexuality can be "cured." He frequently tells his son to read Leviticus 18:22, refusing to accept his son's sexuality. He ignorantly believes he can make his son straight, and when he mistakenly thinks that Cody said Timmy "tickled his package," Hank insists that itā€™s not possible because they raised a straight boy. This is a blatantly ignorant stance, as Timmy is openly gay and has had a relationship with Cody.
  • He shows no genuine care for his family and avoids spending time with them. He is extremely cruel to his son Timmy, calling him names and yelling at him for "singing horribly," even though Timmy is a good singer. At one point, he threw a pan of cookies at Timmy and his sister Susan, though Susan is admittedly a poor singer. He also showed no concern for Timmy and Susan when the house almost burned down, worrying only about his trophies.
  • As a husband, he is terrible to Suzanne, having cheated on her multiple times with various women. He yells at her, calling her derogatory names and treating her with disrespect. He allows Marvin to sleep with her, insults her for trivial things like not putting ice in his drink, and threatens to punch her for rearranging his lawn trophies incorrectly.
  • He and Suzanne impose strict and joyless rules on their children, not allowing them to watch TV or movies, eat snacks other than Romaine lettuce, or celebrate birthdays with cakes. Instead, they receive Bibles as presents and birthday salads without candles. They also prohibit trick-or-treating on Halloween and enforce harsh punishments for minor infractions, such as denying dinner for not completing homework. They even make Timmy sleep without sheets on his bed. Due to these oppressive conditions, Timmy is deeply unhappy with his home life, to the point of being suicidal.
  • In the episode "The Neighborhood Watch," Hank's character is revealed in a disturbing light. He is depicted as resorting to violent methods, such as using a baseball bat to beat any raccoons found in his yard, which constitutes clear animal abuse. Additionally, Hank unjustly accuses Jonathan of being responsible for neighborhood break-ins and attempts to have him arrested without any evidence, showcasing his tendency towards baseless accusations and aggressive behavior, In the same episode, Hank's greed becomes evident when he proposes doing favors for Brooklyn Guy instead of paying for damages caused by Timmy to Brooklyn Guy's police car. This highlights Hank's willingness to manipulate situations to avoid financial responsibility.
  • In "Junior's Stolen Birthday Gift!", Hank and Suzanne demonstrate their hypocrisy by refusing to return Junior's birthday gift from Cody, which was mistakenly delivered to their house. Despite accusing Cody of disrespect and shouting, they close the door on Junior without attempting to resolve the situation appropriately. Hank's decision to consider returning the gift to the sender, instead of tracing its rightful destination, also raises legal concerns. Furthermore, Hank's behavior in this episode reveals his childish and selfish tendencies. He allows Timmy only five minutes to play with Junior's gift before confiscating it for himself and even goes as far as hitting Suzanne with it, displaying immaturity and disrespect towards his own spouse. Additionally, it is revealed that Hank still wets the bed, further highlighting his embarrassing personal shortcomings.
  • In "Joseph Gets Adopted!", Hank's character takes a particularly dark turn as he adopts Joseph solely based on his potential to excel in sports, aiming to profit from Joseph's future NFL career. When Joseph fails to meet Hank's unrealistic expectations during a football tryout, Hank reacts with anger and callousness, tearing up the adoption contract and abandoning Joseph emotionally. This demonstrates Hank's lack of genuine compassion and his willingness to exploit others for personal gain.
  • Throughout various episodes, such as "The Turkey Problem!" and "Five Nights At Freddy's 4," Hank's abusive and manipulative behavior continues to be a recurring theme. He threatens Timmy with withholding Christmas and knowingly eats stolen food, displaying disregard for ethical standards and the well-being of others. His readiness to use physical violence, as depicted in "Five Nights At Freddy's 4," underscores his authoritarian and intimidating nature, even towards children who are not his own as he was about to whip Timmy, Cody, Jeffy, and Junior with a belt, despite the latter three not even being his children but was then stopped and was attacked and killed by Bonnie and Freddy. While this was only Jeffy's nightmare, nothing indicates he wouldn't do this in real life.
  • In "The Grinch," Hank's jealousy and vindictiveness towards Marvin are evident when he orchestrates a scheme to ruin Marvin's Christmas by sending the Grinch to steal his Christmas tree. This illustrates Hank's malicious tendencies and his inability to tolerate others' happiness or success.
  • He rarely faces any consequences for his terrible actions. On the few occasions when karma does catch up to him like when Marvin knocked him out for being loud, when Jeffy ate half of his Uber Eats meal and refused to refund him, when Jeffy hit his mailbox, and when Marvin and Jeffy T.P.'d his house and sent 12 pizzas to his house, causing him to lose $300, these moments are portrayed as satisfying comeuppance.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the high heinous standards to Does Bad Things Guy, Nancy, Barbara Guy, Jackie Chu and Mr. Winkle and several other characters who also don't pass the heinous standard.
  • He is too often played for laughs and is rarely taken seriously.
  • In "Babysitting The Huckerdoos!" when he thought the the Dill Dough that Timmy and Susie Huckerdoo were playing with was a actually dildo, he and and his wife took them out of Marvin's house and he told Marvin to never speak to them ever again, while it was a misunderstanding it still shows that he has standards on pedophila.

External Links[]


           SMLLogo Villainous Benchmarks

Bowser | Bowser Junior | Nancy | Does Bad Things Guy | Jeffy | Joseph Hisfriendfromschool | Hank Huckerdoo | Captain | Mr. Winkle | Goodman | Black Yoshi | CJ Winkle | Jeffery Dahmer

See Also
Super Mario Villainous Benchmarks
