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Grey Worm is a character in A Song of Ice and Fire book and the adaptation series Game of Thrones. He was a chosen commander of the Unsullied who was a slave-soldier until Daenerys Targaryen bought the Unsullied and freed him, what caused him and his warriors to work beside her.

He was portrayed by Jacob Anderson.

His Evil Ranking

His Villainous Deeds

  • Just like the other Unsullied he killed one baby in his first day, for showing his skills in front of his employers.
  • Cooperated in all the programs of Daenerys Targaryen including the conquest of Astafur, killing all of his previous masters, conquest of Unkay and Mereen and helping executing of random slave masters and by crucifixion without trial and conquest of Castly rock.
  • He leads Varys to execution by Daenerys's dragon.
  • In the battle of King's landing he and his men killed many Lannister soldiers when they lowered their swords and surrendered only out of anger at Missandei's execution by Cercei Lannister and despite the ringing of bells that signaled their surrender. He even caught up in a confrontation with Jon who tried to motivate him.
  • He continued to help Daenerys even when she became a mad queen and burned down most of the city and helped her execute captured Lannister soldiers. He also almost fights Jon after the latter trying to stop him.
  • Arrested Tyrion Lannister when he traitored on Daenerys and abandoned his Hand of the King pin.
  • After Jon murdered Daenerys Worm arrested him as well as Tyrion and almost executed them, only avoided it to stop battle with the Northmen.
  • Even he didn't kill Jon he insisted that he be punished until his last day by exile to the wall.
  • While he agreed to accept the North's solution to Jon's punishment, even though he could also kill him, that's not redeeming. He only did this to avoid the massacre of his own men and was totally okay with killing both Jon and Tyrion, only stopping because of his twisted and hypocritical worldview. Also Jon didn't deserve this at all, and that doesn't make Worm redeemed, because he still retained his hypocritical and immoral sense of justice and never truly redeemed himself.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?

  • While him aiding Daenerys in her massacre passes the general baseline, this is extremely common villainy in the series and thus Grey Worm fails the heinous standards of other villains and warriors of Game of Thrones franchise.
  • He has a sense of honor of playing and fighting fairly and by rules with his enemies and opponents in battle and he kills only men who deserve it (in his own opinion).
  • He had remained loyal to Daenerys until her last day. Most of his evil acts were committed only by following her orders.
  • He has a genuine tragedy of being a maimed slave in Kraznys mo Nakloz's army.
  • His training of being a soldier caused him to loose some of his mind, what moral agency issues.
  • He felt genuine remorse for failing to save Barristan Semly from from being killed by the Sons of the Harpy even though he tried his best, showing he did care about him.
  • He also genuinely loves Missandei and was devastated from her death and also from Daenerys death.
  • He also has genuine care and respect to his men, always honoring their work for him and Daenerys, praising and congratulating them for their services and keeping all given promises and oathes to his soldiers and warriors.

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See Also
Warner Bros. Villainous Benchmarks
