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Christiana Murphy, better known as Faye Daniels, is a major antagonist in the 1980 Italian horror film Cannibal Holocaust. She was the script writer for Alan Yates and his crew, helping them perform atrocities against people in the Amazon rainforest, then altering the footage to remove their involvement all to get sensationalist footage for their documentary so they can become famous.

She was portrayed by Francesca Ciardi.

Her Evil Ranking[]

Her Villainous Deeds[]

  • She had already made several documentaries together with Alan where they committed several unknown atrocities.
  • When the group's guide Felipe died, she was rather blasĆ© and calmly smoked as Anders buried the guide's body. This shows that she didn't care about his life.
  • She and Alan's crew set fire to the village of the Yanomamo tribe while forcing its inhabitants to enter the huts, just to get a documentary footage, thus causing the death of the natives, where there were even children. During this, she taunted the tribe and mocked their deaths.
  • While she did get angry with Alan and company when they were filming the rape of a native woman, this was not out of standards but out of pragmatism, as she thought they were wasting more tapes of the footage.
  • She was a hypocrite, as her public bio on the official site reveals she publicly claimed to be an animal rights activist, yet she had no compunction with her boyfriend's excessive cruelty towards animals and was even amused by it.
  • While it seemed that she cared about her sister, as she (her sister) asks God to rest her soul while Mark's father thought his son got what he deserved and Jack's wife wasn't too torn up about his death, Faye never contacted with her, making their relationship ambiguous.

Why She Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • While her actions passed the general standards, she massively failed the heinous standards to Alan, Mark and Jack (when the latter two fail it themselves). Notably, she is the only one of the four who is not a rapist.
  • She was genuinely in love with Alan.
  • She was upset when Alan shot Jack and left him to die, showing a slight bit of care for Jack even though she didn't personally like him.
    • It also shows that she had some standards as it shows (or at least implies) she doesn't like betrayal.
  • She could be somewhat of a scapegoat as she got the most brutal death out of four crew members (getting gang raped, beaten, then dismembered), despite not participating in the gang rape and even being somewhat shocked when she saw the impaled woman that Alan and Jack had raped, and she did care for Alan and Jack to a certain extent despite not liking him that much and is treated badly by all the other members of the crew up until her death. To make it even more obvious, her sister fell pity for her and wanted God to rest her soul.

External Links[]


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Live-Action Features
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Live-Action Television
Jeannine Kovac

See Also
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