Facts McGee is the tritagonist/main antagonist of the YouTube channel The Clothshack Variety Channel, specifically serving as the main antagonist of his own series and one of the three main protagonists of The Daddy Derek Film Extravaganza. He is an incredibly incompetent deity who, instead of using his near-limitless power to help people, instead tells people about things.
He is portrayed by channel owner Clothshack.
His Evil Ranking[]
His Villainous Deeds[]
- Heavily implied to have destroyed France.
- Heavily implied to have murdered another deity like himself.
- Let Drowny Cantswim drown to death to prove a point about safety around pools.
- Murdered Doctor McMedical by vaporizing him.
- Allowed Patient McIllness to suffer from pneumonia instead of curing him at any time.
- After finally curing Patient, he shot him with the Pneumonia Gun because he hadn't finished explaining pneumonia.
- Accidentally let Patient succumb to and die from pneumonia, later burying his body.
- Threatened to kill Coolio McChill.
- Blew up an abandoned warehouse to prove a point about the dangers of explosives.
- Became the supreme ruler of Austria after beating the president in a fistfight.
- Electrocuted Bingle over and over again to prove a point about the dangers of electricity, almost killing him.
- Has been evading the IRS for over 17 years, even though Clothshack pointed out he's a deity and doesn't need to pay taxes.
- Crippled a toddler after crashing into them while riding his bike.
- Trespassed on someone's private beach.
- Accidentally blew up an old couple's house.
- Yelled at a little kid for no reason, making them cry.
- While explaining the dangers of drugs, he takes and begins tripping balls on acid, and attempts to unleash a bulldog on a preschool.
- Has a mental breakdown after not being able to find the Self-Defense for All film online, he shoots a person with the Real Gun, killing them and then mocking the film.
- After he finally does find the film, he watches it and realises that it's so bad it shouldn't ever be viewed by anyone ever and eradicates it from the world.
- Breaks Nihilist's computer out of spite, and then threatens to smash Clothshack's Xbox.
- Attempts to kill both Nihilist and Clothshack, despite them both being his brothers. He later forgives them.
- Becomes the most powerful being in the universe after reading a single book. He then uses his newfound powers to rewrite the entire plot of TDDFE so that he doesn't have to participate.
- Warps reality so that he can murder Cool Cat, unknowingly stopping his reign of terror.
Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]
- He fails the heinous standard to Clothshack, who is a mass murderer, human trafficker and terrorist leader.
- He is extremely incompetent and most of his actions are out of pure idiocy.
- He is almost purely comedic and a lot of the things he does are played for comedy.
- He shows genuine care for his brothers, despite trying to kill them multiple times.
External Links[]
- Facts McGee on the Villains Fanon Wiki