Villainous Benchmark Wiki

ā€œ Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up. ā€ž
~ Emerald to Mercury.
ā€œ I donā€™t care about Salem! But I owe Cinder everything. You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest. ā€ž
~ Emerald to Ruby before creating an illusion of Cinder.

Emerald Sustrai is a main character in the American web cartoon series RWBY. She was one of Cinder Fall's two right-hands alongside her former partner, Mercury Black. Although still associated in part with Cinder, she is now a member of Ruby Rose's group against both Salem and James Ironwood.

She is voiced by Katie Newville in English and by Marina Inoue in Japanese.

Her Evil Ranking[]

Her Villainous Deeds[]

  • She and Cinder recruited Mercury Black, and Emerald later helped Cinder ally with Adam Taurus and the White Fang. At some point, she was introduced to Salem and her group, and Emerald was made aware of Salem's intentions to divide the world.
  • When Cinder allied with Roman Torchwick, Emerald served as a spy and enforcer, going and helping Mercury kill a White Fang deserter.
  • She, along with Mercury and Cinder, infiltrate Beacon posing as students. There, they identify students that pose threats to their plans, such as Pyrrha Niko and analyze them.
  • During the Beacon Dance, Emerald covers for Cinder while she plants a virus in the Cross Continental Transmit System Tower.
  • During a semifinal match between Mercury and Yang Xiao Long, Emerald uses her Semblance to make Yang perceive an attack. Yang retaliates in self-defense, appearing to the audience to have attacked and broken Mercury's leg unprovoked.
  • She tries to manipulate the contestants, and is seen by Ruby Rose. When Ruby tries to warn someone, Mercury stalls her. In the match, Emerald creates illusions for Pyrrha, which causes her to accidentally unleash her Semblance and kill her robotic opponent Penny Polendina.
  • While she has a few comedic moments, she is still taken seriously in-universe.

Why She Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • While her participation in terrorist attacks are enough to pass the general baseline, so much of it was done at the behest of Cinder, resulting in her failing the high heinous standards of RWBY.
  • She is tragic, because it is implied that she had a bad relationship with her mother or caretaker, causing her to leave home at an early age and begin a life of thieving in order to survive, using her Semblance to trick people and make stealing from them easier.
  • She genuinely cared about Cinder and Mercury, as she once mourned Cinder's supposed death and got angry at Tyrian for mocking her.
  • She redeemed herself to help Team RWBY stop Salem and James Ironwood.


  • Emerald is the only RWBY character who is both Villainous Benchmark and Heroic Benchmark at the same time. This means that she is generic in terms of both admirability and heinousness. Though, her Heroic Benchmark status could likely be reevaluated in a later season of the show.

External Links[]
