Villainous Benchmark Wiki
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Douglas is a minor antagonist of Terminator 2: Judgment Day. He is a corrupt orderly that is known for having licked Sarah Connor during her plan to escape the Pescadero State Hospital. After licking her, he shortly receives a beating from her and is stuffed inside a room.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • He, alongside another orderly battered Sarah with a bat and force fed medicine to her.
  • As Sarah pretended to sleep, he took the opportunity to lick her face in bed.
  • Strolled his baton throughout the doors of the hospital, potentially irritating the patients in their rooms.
  • Has no redeeming qualities, only existing to lord his power over the patients of the Pescadero State Hospital.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • While him committing sexual assault meets the general baseline, he fails the in-story standards of the Terminator franchise, as he is unable to compete the heinousness of the Terminators killing many innocent people.

External Links[]


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Animated Features

Live-Action Features
Tuco Ramirez | Killer Santa | Douglas | Sandman | Raoul Silva | Venom | Neil Kandy | Michael Morbius | Milo Morbius

Live-Action Television
Jesse Pinkman | Tuco Salamanca | Spooge | Spooge's Lady | Rival Dealers | Juan Bolsa | Kim Wexler | Nacho Varga | Mike Ehrmantraut | Chuck McGill | Captain Turner

See Also
Amblin Entertainment Villainous Benchmarks | Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul Villainous Benchmarks | Spider-Man Villainous Benchmarks | Tim Burton Villainous Benchmarks | Warner Bros. Villainous Benchmarks
