Villainous Benchmark Wiki

ā€œ If those little twerps think they can outrun me, they've got another thing coming! And when I get my hands on them, they're gonna lose a lot more than their eyes. Do you hear me?! I'm gonna tear you apart! I'm gonna rip you to pieces! And I'm gonna love every minute of it! ā€ž
~ Dodoria.

Dodoria is a major antagonist in Dragon Ball Z, and a henchman of Frieza. He is also one of the many personal enemies of Vegeta, and the arch-rival of Bardock.

He was voiced by Yukitoshi Hori in DBZ, and Takashi Nagasako in DBZ Kai in Japanese and Paul Dobson in Ocean Group dub, Chris Forbis in DBZ, Mike McFarland in Raging Blast, and John Swasey in DBZ Kai in Funimation dub, and Ed Marcus in AB Groupe dub in English.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • He murdered Bardock's entire crew.
  • He murdered many Namekians while searching for the Namekian Dragon Balls, nearly wiping out their entire race.
  • He tried to kill Dende, a child, only to be stopped by Gohan.
  • Chased after Gohan (a five-year-old), Krillin, and Dende with the intention of killing them.
  • Was a general in the Galactic Frieza Army, a space pirate organization that revolved around enslaving worlds, depopulating worlds by murdering all sapient life on them before selling them to other races for profit, and completely wiping out planets deemed worthless. Out of all of Frieza's henchmen, he was arguably the most sadistic.
  • In a flashback, he was shown laughing while Frieza and Zarbon mocked Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz.
  • In the special Bardock: The Father of Goku, he and Zarbon taunted Bardock by saying they and Frieza were just using the Saiyans.
  • In Dragon Ball GT, he and Zarbon return from the dead and cause havoc on Earth.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • Most of his actions amount to killing multiple people, killing at least one child and attempting to commit genocide, all of which are commonplace for the franchise, preventing him from meeting the in-story standard. It also doesn't help the fact that Dodoria has no unique crimes and is merely a generic minion with nine murders to his name. While it could be argued that he has killed hundreds, there's no indication that this is true.
  • He fails the heinous standards to Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz, who all intended to eliminate all sapient life on Earth and were shown in a flashback to have wiped out another planet. Raditz also had no problems with trying to kill his own long lost younger brother or four-year-old nephew. In the same saga with Dodoria, Vegeta slaughters a village with 20 Namekians in it, including at least one child.
  • He has some care for his troops. He was visibly shocked when Frieza killed many of their own men while destroying the Saiyan planet. The Xenoverse games also show that he is good to his men and takes them out for lunch. This is a minor prevention though, as he showed no care when Bardock killed his four men or numerous soldiers were killed by Namekians.
  • Despite being sadistic, he is genuinely loyal to his master Lord Frieza. When he was about to kill Moori for destroying the scouters, he relents when Frieza orders him to kill the three young Namekians first.

External Links[]


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Dragon Ball Z
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