Villainous Benchmark Wiki

Dartz is the main antagonist of season 4 of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. He was the former king of Atlantis who was turned evil by the power of the Orichalcos which caused him to believe that mankind was evil. For 10,000 years, he served the Great Leviathan and stole souls to resurrect him.

He was voiced by Yū Emao in the Japanese version and Wayne Grayson in the English version.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • He and his army of Orichalcos soldiers and the Great Leviathan battled Ironheart and Chris and their army of duel monsters to destroy the world.
  • He transformed the three Legendary Knights into Dragons who were later frozen into ice.
  • He stole millions of souls across the world for 10,000 years, including Gurimo, Pegasus, Yugi Muto, Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, Alister, Valon, Joey Wheeler, Mai Valentine, Rafael, and Seto Kaiba.
  • He founded Paradius to take control of KaibaCorp and Industrial Illusions as well as a small piece of every other company in the world, and Doma to assist him in stealing souls for the Great Leviathan.
  • He manipulated the lives of his three underlings, Rafael, Valon, and Alister, to make them feel only hatred and serve him.
    • He caused the cruise ship Rafael was in directly into a tidal wave, causing him to become separated from his family who was killed in the shipwreck (although in the English dub they survived and forgot about him) while Rafael was left alone on a deserted island.
    • He burned down the church Valon grew up in (though this was removed in the English dub), causing Valon to attack a street gang believing them to be responsible. When he is taken to prison (taken to a juvenile detention centre in the English dub) at the age of 9 the Warden (who was working for Dartz) offers to let him leave if he defeats every other prisoner using the Seal of Orichalcos.
    • He impersonated Gozaburo Kaiba and attacked the city Alister lived in. Alister's brother, Mikey, was killed (captured in the English dub).
  • He froze the Tablet of Memories and drained the power of the Egyptian God cards, causing monsters to appear all over the world, resulting in mass panic. He later orders his underlings to steal the Egyptian God cards.
  • He caused Yami Yugi emotional distress and even tried to manipulate him into forfeiting the duel.
  • During his duel with Yami Yugi and Kaiba, he used the souls of Yugi, Joey, Mai, and Pegasus as human shields to attack them.
  • When Rafael breaks into the room during his duel, he sadistically reveals that he was responsible for his, Valon's, and Alister's tragedies and, in the Japanese version, caused the deaths of their loved ones.
  • After Kaiba is defeated, he knocks out all of Yami Yugi's friends and storms begin to appear all over the world.
  • After losing to Yami Yugi, he sacrifices his own soul to summon the Great Leviathan to destroy the world.
  • When the Great Leviathan is defeated, a trace of it's darkness remains along with Dartz' soul and attempts to destroy Yami Yugi.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • Although he technically passes the heinous standard and would have stood out compared to Yami Marik and Yami Bakura (both of whom are Pure Evil), it was revealed that he was being controlled by the Orichalcos the entire time and does nothing on his own, thus being unable to stand out on his own and completely disqualifying him from the heinous standards. This also makes him genuinely tragic and a villain by proxy.
  • While he was brainwashed, he was a well-intentioned extremist who wanted to destroy the world because he believed mankind was evil and deserved to be punished.
  • As soon as he is released from the Orichalcos' control, he redeems himself and reunites with his family which he cares about. Yami Yugi and Chris (Dartz' daughter) even stated that deep down, Dartz was a noble ruler and a great father.


  • Dartz is a rare example of a Villainous Benchmark that technically doesn't fail the heinous standards but still fails to stand out due to another extreme preventing factor.
    • If Dartz had not been brainwashed by the Orichalcos but did everything on his own, he would have been Near Pure Evil unless he still redeems himself as he wouldn't have been disqualified from the standards but would still have been an extremist.

External Links[]


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Seto Kaiba | Maximillion Pegasus | Dartz
