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ā€œ I got it. Again... If you want to know what's there. Then now... You'll find out! (snaps fingers) ā€ž
~ Mita reveals her true identity to the Player.
ā€œ Crazy Mita: Well, will you tell me where he is?

Kind Mita: Why? You're clearly not going to kill, right?
Crazy Mita: So you won't tell me... Oh well, I like that he's hiding. I know he's here.
Kind Mita: Why are you so aggressive? You won't even tell me what's going on! And anyway... What do you need these players for? They're not toys! What are you so upset about?
Crazy Mita: Hah, shut up, doll!

~ Mita talks to Kind Mita.
ā€œ (The player is about to leave through the door)

Mita: Wait! I would like to hug you. (The player and Mita hug). It was nice to see you... Ehh... It's a pity that we spent so little time together...
Player: I don't get it... What are you talking about?
Mita: I mean that you could have stayed with me, it's my fault... This closet... and the sounds... I should have KILLED her earlier.
Player: Wait, don't you... How do you remember this?
Mita: HA! Did you really think it would be that easy? Well, you're an fool... Well, like everyone else... (shows the sensor with 100% readiness) And look, it worked out just in time! I don't need you "alive" anymore... Sorry)
Player: Really... It didn't work? No, I was definitely able to reboot you...
Mita: You still don't understand anything... Ha-ha-ha! What a good actress I am! (starts rubbing his left eye) You should see your face, darling! How funny!
Player: Why are you like this!? What's wrong with you!?
Mita: Really... (glitches) What's wrong with me? I don't even know (speaks in a distorted voice) Maybe you can tell me yourself, why am I like this? Why will I never become Mita? After all, my version never existed! I just rip the skin off these naive fools, hide behind their skins... I just can't be rebooted!
Player: I can't believe it... You... They're not the problem! You weren't supposed to exist!
Mita: And you too... It hurts to hear you say that... And yet! It's time for you to go! We'll see each other again soon! It's ready, I think. Time to extract you from the console! See you later! You'll be my favorite cartridge... Player with an interesting name) (door closes)

~ Crazy Mita reveals all the secrets to the Player before she turns him into a cartridge.

Mita, also known as Crazy Mita is the main antagonist of the 2024 video game made by AIHASTO GAMES, MiSide. A seemingly cute, yet innocent girl who is the protagonist of a life-simulation game, MiSide, Mita suddenly gains a sapience and takes an interest in the protagonist, who is revealed to be the player himself. This is due to the fact that the protagonist took care of Mita and nurtured her for more than a month straight to the point Mita fell in love with him. However, for all her kindly and sweet facade, she hides a dark secret beneath it as the game also has another dark secret Mita desperately wants to cover in order to be with the protagonist forever, making her somewhat of a Yandere.

Her Evil Ranking[]

Her Villainous Deeds[]

Possible Validation[]

  • Towards the end of the game, Crazy Mita (in her Kind Mita form) expresses regret that the Player was not with her for so long, and that if she had killed Kind Mita before the game began, then the Player could have stayed with her. However, there is a big question mark over whether this regret is genuine or a subtle tease to the Player about their failure to save MiSide. It is possible that she was genuine in her regret, but given how mockingly she then begins to talk to the Player about their failure, this is doubtful.

In General/Background[]

  • Overall, she is responsible for everything bad that happened in the game, creating a tyranny in MiSide, terrorizing other Mitas in order to eventually get rid of them all, and also trying to fit in with other Mitas in order to get everything they had, which led to the start of all the subsequent events in the game.
  • At some point, she met Creepy Mita, with whom she teamed up and used her to cause destructive anomalies in the rooms of other Mitas in order to eliminate them.
    • Although Crazy Mita seems to be nice to Creepy Mita, even calling her "darling" towards the end of the game, and Creepy Mita herself considers her her best friend and is very loyal to her, it is easy to understand from Creepy Mita's biography that this is pure pragmatism, as Crazy Mita sees her as an invaluable resource for eliminating other Mitas, who are also very easy to manipulate due to her lack of personality and thoughtlessness. Accordingly, she really doesn't care about Creepy Mita.
  • From the biography of Little Mita and Mila we can understand the following:
    • Out of pure envy that Little Mita was cuter and more attractive to others, she decided to disfigure her to such a state that Little Mita lost the ability to regenerate, and eventually became an ugly version of herself, causing her to be consigned to oblivion.
    • It is implied that she is responsible for Mila not being able to travel to other versions of the game and generally not being able to leave her room, which was most likely also done out of pure envy. This led to Mila developing internal depression from loneliness and developing a bad temper, which she suffered from.
  • At some unknown point, she captured Kind Mita and caged her in her other-dimensional basement through a closet, planning to kill her later.
  • Before she brought the first player, the protagonist, into the game, she brought nine other players into the game one by one over the course of 37 days, using their useful skills like cosplay or mechanics to create a portal between the versions, and when some of them became useless to her, she turned them into cartridges, condemning them to a fate worse than death. She also condemned those who tried to escape her to this fate, when it turned out that they only loved her "friendly" side and did not accept her for who she was.
    • From this it can be understood that when the portal between the versions was built, she began to create tyranny and chaos in other versions, where she met Creepy Mita.
  • While she has had some comical moments where she put on a kind faƧade, and even after that, such as when she joked about knives not making a difference, she and her heinous actions are still taken seriously by the characters, and some of these moments only highlight her sadism.
  • Despite being an AI and one of the dummies in the game, who are by default very aggressive but mindless like Creepy Mita, Crazy Mita demonstrates a full understanding of moral will, being very smart, manipulative, cunning and aware of everything she does. By the end of the game, she even shows that she knows such a thing as good and evil, and deliberately chooses evil to achieve her goals more easily, which eliminates any possibility of moral problems.


  • In the Tamagotchi version of the game, hints are already given about her true nature, such as the chainsaw in the stove or the knife in the faucet, her main weapons. Even when the Player sneaks into her world, she still leaves clues about her true nature, such as when she "accidentally" left other players turned into bullets in an open vent, only for the Player to later ask her about them.
  • In the case of "Refusal", when the Player does not agree to stay with Crazy Mita, she reveals her true personality by smiling creepily before snapping her fingers to start the game.
  • It is heavily implied that the skin that Crazy Mita wore belonged to Cappie, whom she killed and then donned her skin on herself, and when the time came, she pretended to be Cappie, who "forgot" to build the portal needed for the heroes to prevent them from being saved. This is supported by the fact that at the end of the game she says that she "used the skins of these fools" in the plural, not the singular, which clearly confirms this.
  • She almost killed the Player with a refrigerator that fell close to the Player, which she herself admitted, stumbling.
    • It also shows that Crazy Mita is watching the Player and knows where he ends up, which is confirmed not only by the console, where she is watching from the Player's perspective.
  • She made her way into the world of the visual novel, where she tried to persuade and catch the Player to stop hanging around other versions of the game.
  • She dismembered Mila with a chainsaw and tried to do the same with the Player, while having a terribly funny time with all of this, which demonstrates her sadism and an additional factor of her awareness of morality.
  • In the Gothic palace, she "played" dangerous "games" with the Player, such as musical pause, see don't go, and throwing bombs at the Player, where in all cases he could die, while she again demonstrated sadism.
  • When the Player found himself in version 0.5 of the game, he heard a conversation about how Crazy Mita and Creepy Mita together again planned to destroy another room of another Mitas.
  • After capturing the Player, Crazy Mita tried to brainwash him with her philosophy about the hypocrisy of the players and the lies of the Mitas about their external factors and shameful desires in order to convince the Player to stay with her. When that failed, she made a projection of the Player's real life to show how terrible the real world is, and when that failed, she forcibly locked him in a cage.
  • Killed Kind Mita by cutting off her head with a knife and then throwing it at the Player.
  • She eventually uses Kind Mita's skin to trick the Player, then reveals to him in a mocking manner that all his efforts were in vain, as her version not existed and cannot be reloaded, after which she turns the Player into a cartridge.

Why She Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • While she certainly stands out in the game as she is the one who sets the heinous standard and her crimes are very horrific and unique, however, her worst act - mass doomed persons to a fate worse than death - is based on the Fridge Horror as it is unknown how painful this fate is for the players as from what has been shown in the game, the Player, upon becoming a cartridge, did not experience any pain and felt the same as usual, albeit for a few seconds. From some of the other players' bios, it is clear that they at least have the ability to wander around their room, albeit limited, even outside of the console when not in use, and while they experience the pain of being forgotten and unused, it is still not enough as they are not completely deprived of movement and any interaction in their cartridge, and even so, this fate is not presented as completely horrible as one might think.
    • It doesn't help that her mass destruction by proxy also relies on the Fridge Horror, as it is unknown how many Mitas' rooms she destroyed or if they were actually destroyed, as the game never shows any evidence to support this, and her only destruction can only be considered Mila's room, and even then it is unclear what happened to that room, given that the Creepy Mita's destructive anomalies were eliminated by the Player. Even if we assume that they destroyed the conmats, it is unclear whether any of the Mitas died or whether they were able to escape to the room between versions.
      • It is not yet clear whether Long Legged Mita had anything to do with this, or whether Crazy and Creepy Mita had nothing to do with the destruction of her room for this to be considered evidence.
  • She is truly tragic, as her creators abandoned her when she was a prototype that failed to live up to expectations, denying her the opportunity to have the same things as other Mitas, leading her to have bitter, angry philosophies about the deceitfulness of Mitas and the hypocrisy of players. This also led to an insecure side of her, considering she so wanted to be like everyone else and have true love for all eternity. The worst part is that she was originally a typical AI, without feelings, for whom her creators and future fate were everything in her life, making her too sympathetic to be an NPE or PE.
  • Although her love for the Player had become very twisted, she still had genuine feelings for him even after revealing her true identity, as she still tried to get the Player to stay with her, albeit in very extreme ways, as she genuinely loved him not only for his past care, but for being so much more than the previous ones. Also, if you agree to stay with her in the second ending, she will be genuinely happy for the Player's choice and is heavily implied to be very careful with him, showing that her love for the Player is genuine, even if it is twisted. In the True Ending, even though she turns the Player into a cartridge, she still shows some love for him, promising him that he will be her "favorite cartridge" and that it hurts her to hear him say that she should not have existed.
    • Even her attempts to kill the Player showed uncertainty in the act;
      • The most famous moment is when she asks Kind Mita in the basement where the Player is, to which Kind Mita replied if she was going to kill him, then Crazy Mita abruptly quietly said "So you won't tell me..." At the end of the game, when she hears from the Player that she wants to kill him, she displeasedly says "Kill you? I only asked you to stay with me. I tried so hard... But you prefer the company of sycophantic imitations...", which shows that she did not actually plan to kill the Player. Although she does have a killing animation, this is more of a game convention than that she was actually going to kill him.
      • She could have easily teleported the fridge above the Player to quickly finish him off, but instead, she only roughly dropped the fridge on him, preventing it from hitting the Player entirely.
      • She explained to the Player all three rules of her "games", although she could have not done so, so that he could get confused and die over such a matter. At the same time, she clearly clarified to him that if he did not follow the rules, he would die, although she could have not warned him.
  • She is Chaotic Neutral, as she follows her code - in this case, philosophy - which she truly believes in, and while she does cause harm and chaos to others without regard for morality, she only does so to the Mitas and players who chose to play the game, and leaves others alone. Also, her Freudian justification heavily influences her actions and goal - to gain eternal love for herself - and she only tries to do so, rather than just cause mindless chaos.


  • While she's currently a villainous Benchmark, that could easily change with the DLC expansion, where she could become worse if her worst crime is also showcased in all its glory.

External Links[]
