Villainous Benchmark Wiki

ā€œ You know, you ponies got it all wrong. Friendship isn't "magic". Friendship is power! With Twilight and her lackeys out of my way, all of Equestria will bow to me: The futureā€¦ Empress of Friendship! ā€ž
~ Cozy Glow revealing her true nature.

Cozy Glow is one of the main antagonists of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She is the main antagonist of Season 8, first appearing in "Marks for Effort" before she revealed her true nature and became one in "School Raze". Upon joining the Legion of Doom, she became one of the three main antagonists of Season 9 (alongside Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek).

Cozy was once a friend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Young Six, and also the former top student of Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship as well as her friendship assistant. By the time of the finale, she is revealed to be Lord Tirek's protƩgƩ, who plotted to get rid of Twilight and her friends by draining all magic away from Equestria to take over the School of Friendship and also the entire Equestria. After her plan was failed and exposed, she was eventually expelled from the school and got sent to Tartarus for her crimes and actions. She was later summoned by Grogar (who was actually Discord in disguise) alongside Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek into joining the evil organization called Legion of Doom. Finally, she and her comrades were defeated by Twilight and her friends once and for all.

She was voiced by Sunni Westbrook.

Her Evil Ranking[]

Her Villainous Deeds[]

In General[]

  • Wanted to take over Equestria and rule it with an iron fist, as shown when she enrolled Twilight's School of Friendship as part of her scheme. Though it wasn't explained why.
  • Manipulating everypony around her by using her wits and cute charm to get whatever she wants.
  • Despite being a child, she has full understanding of right and wrong and chooses evil anyway, thus invalidating it as an excuse.

Season 8[]

  • Purposefully failed her test, causing the Cutie Mark Crusaders to be blamed over as result. However, she pretended to be remorseful of this.
  • Though there is no in-universe proof, it is implied that she is the one who gave the copy of Twilight's friendship lesson book to Flim and Flam.
  • Mocked the Young Six by saying terrible things about their "races" and claimed that "friendship isn't their nature" to doubt their confidence in their friendship, showing that she wasn't nice as she seemed. However, she then faking her remorse to prevent the Young Six from telling Twilight about the Tree of Harmony, showing her power hungry nature.
  • Conspired with Tirek to drain all magic from Equestria by stealing the school's artifacts and using them all in order to gain them all and send it away into another realm, in order to let them vanished forever in order to take over Equestria. But then all magic in Equestria will disappear, and within 3 days, it will be gone forever. This also shows how truly monstrous she is.
    • Without magic, there will be no rain and food and the ponies will likely die early in her rule if she remained in power forever.
  • Tricked the Mane Six into getting trapped inside Tartarus by assuming that Lord Tirek had something to do with it, showing her dishonesty. When the truth was revealed, the Mane Six were horrified of hearing of this.
  • Trapped Starlight inside the magic-draining sphere out of jealousy over Twilight puts her in charge of taking care of the School of Friendship.
  • Lies to the rest of the School of Friendship student into claiming that Starlight left to join in the Mane Six in their quest and left her in charge.
  • Manipulated Chancellor Neighsay into accusing the Young Six of stealing all of the magic and having them imprisoned, even though Neighsay was already suspicious to begin with.
  • Wanted to retake over the School of Friendship, she orchestrates a school uprising and turned the students against Neighsay to take back her position as school headmare. Though she was honest of how Neighsay treated Twilight and the others, she only did this out of manipulation for her own benefits. Even then despite everything he had done, he doesn't really deserve that due to having some legitimate points and it also leads Neighsay into redeeming himself.
  • Aware of their deception, she trapped the Cutie Mark Crusaders inside the closet.
  • Forced the School of Friendship students into attacking the Young Six, by tricking them into believing that they wanted to destroy the school, all in order to prevent them from removing the artifacts.
  • While believing she has won, she has no interest of rescuing the Young Six as one of the students asked her.
  • She still tried to stop the Young Six from removing the artifacts to stop the vortex after the power of Tree of Harmony saved them.
  • Curses at the Young Six for foiling her plans and would've succeeded if not for the Mane Six's intervention.
  • When her crimes were exposed, she doesn't really care and never shows remorse for this.
  • Despite Twilight telling her power isn't the sole purpose of friendship, Cozy shows her disregard over values of friendship despite learning from the School of Friendship as she scoffs at it, rejecting her chance of redemption at all. This shows that she only uses the friendship lessons she learned for her nefarious purposes.
    • This shows again in the episode "Frenemies" when she was enraged over Rusty Bucket's Journal of Friendship written by Twilight and her friends.

Season 9[]

  • Fearing of how powerful Grogar is, she and her comrades secretly decided to use the Bewitching Bell in their scheme behind his back to overthrow him.
  • Showing her delight of ruining her kind's traditions, as shown when she joined in of sabotaging the Summer Sun Celebration by disrupting the weather's patterns. After the ruined event was fixed, Cozy shows her disappointment over it.
  • Infiltrate the Canterlot library's forbidden wing with her comrades to learn how to activate the Bewitching Bell.
  • Turning the three pony tribes against each other to weaken the magic of friendship.
  • Betrayed and turned against Grogar by absorbing his magic, only to revealed to be Discord in disguise. Even so, she didn't know about the reveal until they succeeded and his trick does not justify what they do afterwards.
  • Attacked the Canterlot castle.
  • She painfully absorbed Princess Celestia and Luna's magic with the Bewitching Bell.
  • She and her comrades were about to kill Twilight before Rarity intervenes.
  • Implied of planning to destroy the entire Equestria or the ponies.
  • Tried to prevent the Mane Six from reaching to Bewitching Bell just to remained powerful.
  • While it is Chrysalis who threatened to rip off Spike's wings if the Mane Six don't surrender, she didn't object or even care. After they give him back to them, she and her comrades were about to destroy them before the Equestrian army aid them in battle.
  • Having enough of the Equestrian army, she and her comrades were about to destroy them.

Why Doesn't She Stand Out?[]

  • Fails the heinous standards to Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Sunset Shimmer, Lord Tirek, and the Storm King.
    • Her worst crimes were outdone by King Sombra by killing the Tree of Harmony (although temporally), brainwashing all of the Crystal Ponies, Royal Guards and Mane Six' loved ones and friends into doing his bidding and threatening Flurry Heart, who is a literal infant, into forcing Shining Armor and Princess Cadance to surrender. These are just a few examples of how outclassed she is.
    • Even still she relies on Fridge Horror anyways since nothing suggests that anyone would die either from the magic being gone forever or if the Young 6 and Starlight would die by being sent to another world along the magic, and in Season 9 while she, Chrysalis and Tirek attack the others that came to aid the Mane 6, they never announced any intention to destroy them (though the show's demographic prevents words like "death", "die", "kill") she never said anything like "crush them", "destroy them", "get rid off them", etc. This in contrast to King Sombra who outright did in his second revival while showing to not hesitate in doing so thus failing even harder to him.
    • Resources don't help since she alongside Tirek and Chrysalis have the Bewitching Bell, one on the most powerful artifacts and had the chance to outrank King Sombra in heinousness by becoming more powerful than him but still didn't do any worse as she could, thus failing the individual capability due to holding back on her resources.
  • Much like her comrades, they seem to get along good enough that even when they have chances to betray the others they simply don't and despite their argues with each others and being prideful over it, they seem to work on team good enough, even Discord stated when they were turned into stone that they were at least together and wouldn't have wanted anything less.
    • While it seems that she was about to betray Chrysalis and Tirek, this was mostly done because of her being unable to control Discord's chaos magic much like what happened with Pinkie Pie.
  • She has too many comedic moments where she isn't taken seriously, preventing her from being NPE or PE such as:
    • Proclaiming herself as the "Empress of Friendship".
    • Her evil laugh and smile being a bit too cartoonish and exaggerated.
    • Making a Best Friends Rock Sculpture for Tirek that moments after "Grogar" took both her and Tirek her sculpture broke.
    • Tirek and Chrysalis reminding her how annoying she can be.
    • Her performance in the song "Better Way to be Bad".
    • Tirek's shadow making her look devilish.
    • Being unable to control Discord's chaos magic.
    • Covering herself when the Windigos appeared and started to get cold.
    • Getting a giant cupcake squishing them during their defeat.
  • She alongside Tirek and Chrysalis simply buried Rusty Bucket in snow rather than kill him even though she had no real reason to let him live and risk being squealed on which show she's capable of sparing someone's life.
  • Once retrieving the Bewitching Bell, she and Tirek almost redeemed themselves before Chrysalis quickly snapped the two out of it.
  • Along with Tirek, she was dismayed when the Windigos returned and did not support or agree with Queen Chrysalisā€™s idea of taking advantage of this to "save" the ponies just to rule over them.


  • It's never been fully explained as to how or why Cozy Glow became evil in the first place. Although Jim Miller did suggest that Cozy Glow was orphaned, saying ā€œWho says she has parents?ā€ this was never confirmed since Cozy's past was never explained or revealed and there's no indication about this, if at all. Because of this, it remains a mystery as to how or why Cozy Glow became evil in the first place, with no onscreen backstory ever shown.
  • She used to be Inconsistently Heinous before she was removed due to failing the heinous standard of the series and being too pragmatic in her villainy, becoming a Villainous Benchmark as a result.

External Links[]


           My Little Pony franchise logo Villainous Benchmarks

Generation 4
Friendship is Magic
Nightmare Moon | Discord | Lord Tirek | Starlight Glimmer | Pony of Shadows | Cozy Glow |


See also
Netflix Villainous Benchmarks
