Villainous Benchmark Wiki

Celtic is a major antagonist of Alien vs. Predator. He is a young blood Yautja who was sent to Earth along with his brothers Chopper and Scar to undertake an initiation hunt to become blooded predators.

He was portrayed by Ian White.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • Together with his brothers, they killed and dispatched several mercenaries and drillers who were at their hunting ground.
  • Upon entering the pyramid and discovering that his weapons are missing, he decides to hunt down the humans responsible.
  • He attacked and trapped Stafford with his Netgun before impaling him with his Combistick
  • In general, he is much more aggressive and impulsive unlike his brothers, being the predator that kills the most humans in the film.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • Just like the other Predators, he is part of a species that does the exact same thing as him, therefore. He doesn't stand out from the other Predators.
  • He worries about his brothers, at least for Chopper. When he sees that Chopper is killed by the xenomorph Grid, he immediately stops attacking the humans and prepares to kill the xenomorph. During the fight with Grid he is much more furious and aggressive than when attacked humans.
  • His death is used to generate some sympathy, with Grid murdering him in gruesome fashion and never being able to complete his initiation rite.

External Links[]
