Villainous Benchmark Wiki
I asked him why he wanted to kill everyone. He said it was because no one ever taught him how to tie his shoes.
~ Manny Heffley saying why he wanted to kill everyone.
I made one mistake, ONE mistake, that was only ever meant to protect you, and in return, all you did was hurt me in every way imaginable!
~ Kara Danvers calling out Lena Luthor for everything she did just because she kept her identity secret from her for good reasons.

Villainous Benchmarks who commit moderate to extreme crimes for laughably small reasons. They can be driven to commit unspeakable acts just for the most pathetic and trivial motives and goals as well as to demonstrate how egotistical they are.

Fake Tragic Villainous Benchmarks often fall under this category due to many of them attempting to present petty grievances as tragedies that excuse their actions.

All items (90)
