Villainous Benchmark Wiki

Oppressors are Villainous Benchmarks who demean, victimize and/or demoralize groups of people or even entire societies. Usually this is done by the standard Tyrant models but may be achieved by anyone, from a single powerful Control Freak, to Disciplinarians, to Socio-Political Movements.

In general, Oppressors will be more concerned with keeping their victims in-line, as opposed to outright harming them (although Oppressors will usually not hesitate a single second to murder anyone who are against them).


Spiritual Destroyers[]

Spiritual Destroyers oppress those of faith or corrupts said faith in order to enforce only the most base and negative of its laws; they are often considered demonic, heretical or fanatical but can be of any origin or purpose.

Many regimes in history (real and fictional) oppressed certain faiths and tales of individuals who delighted in torturing those who did not relent their faith (often minorities) were common. It was also equally common to find tales of wicked or corrupt individuals within faiths who willingly used their power and influence to make life miserable not just for the so-called "heathens", but also for many practitioners of their own faith.

Examples of Spiritual Destroyers are as follows:

  • Demons / Dark Forms, are demonic beings who are opponents of the faith and corrupters of practitioners.
  • Dark Lords / Evil Rulers, are cruel masters who actively oppressed religious faiths that opposed such rulers under their rule.
  • Dark Judges / Dark Priests, are people who, while professing to be of a "faith", spend more time causing misery for others than truly practicing their belief, especially if their faith is usually considered pacifist (for example, Christians who champion torture and hatred, in direct opposition to the "faith" they claim to follow).
  • Fanatics and Cults, are individuals and groups that twist religion, often removing the benevolent aspects and instead focusing on the most base portions of faith, deliberately harming others and often going against the orthodox creed of said religion (such as killing and spreading hate despite the commandment "thou shall not commit murder").
  • Militant Atheists/Heretics, are people who don't believe in any higher power. While there can be good atheists, some try to force atheist ways on religious people and bully them into giving up their faith. They tend to be nihilistic, believing that everything is meaningless. The worst of the atheists or heretics may even try to become gods themselves and try to convince others to do so as well.

Psychological Oppressors[]

These characters will oppress their victims through stalking, spying, voyeurism, among others form of intimacy and privacy violations. Though these villains usually do not physically harm their victims, it can be consider as a form of oppression and psychological abuse if this is done to a large number of people.


If an Oppressor is a political figure who believes that complete authoritarian control over a state is the only way to keep society in line, they are likely a Totalitarian. These kind of Oppressors are often powerful and extremely dominating figures who control most facets of public and private life, stamping out any kind opposition to their regime

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