Villainous Benchmarks who have managed to get away with their crimes, either by winning or by escaping adequate punishment.
All Shock value villains belong here due to evil always winning in these gorey and moralless stories
Deceased and Presumed Deceased villains do not count as Karma Houdinis unless their death was of natural causes (Shio and Asahi's Grandfather), if they are more likely to have survived and escaped rather than died, or if their Karma Houdini status is dependent on version where they are a Karma Houdini in one ending and are defeated in another, which also includes Karma Houdini status dependent upon player choice when one or more outcomes where they able to escape unpunished and other outcomes they get killed, Villains who took their own lives (e.g. Doma's Mother) cannot count, another case is if the villain is killed by another villain or a neutral character before they were punished CANNOT count even if they didn't get caught by a more powerful character unless they been revived and continue their acts.
Agent Stone -
Beetlejuice -
The Benchmark Void -
Crazy Mita -
Death (Puss in Boots) -
The VB Scout -
Loona -
Smokey (Crossed)
All items (134)
- Tara Ribble (Novels)
- Taylor and Kenneth
- The Beast of Gorlax
- The Benchmark Void
- The Crimson Hunter
- The Cultist
- The Hag (Dead by Daylight)
- The Retcon Goddess
- The Stalker (Lacey Games)
- The Stranger (Star Wars)
- The Underminer
- The Undertaker (Emesis Blue)
- The VB Scout
- The Wraith
- Tombstone (The Spectacular Spider-Man)
- Toplofty and O'Bloat
- Tormund Giantsbane
- Tuco Ramirez
- Tyler Howard's Mom