Villainous Benchmark Wiki
ā€œ Seagull: Now can we sing it?
Seagulls: (pleaing)
Kyle: Pwease, Mr. Piwate?
Burger-Beard: Oh, Kyle... How can I say no to you?
~ Burger-Beard agreeing to sing a song with the seagulls.
ā€œ Death: I came here for an arrogant little legend who thought he was immortal! But I don't see him anymore. Live your life, Puss in Boots. Live it well. You know we will meet again, right?
Puss: Si. Hasta, La Muerte.
~ Death giving up on his quest to kill Puss in Boots and letting him live out the rest of his last life.

Everyone knows that the Villainous Benchmark is capable of redemption (except for a small group), in contrast to Pure Evils or Near Pure Evils. But what about an instance where a Villainous Benchmark unwillingly changes for the better?

This is what is known as a Faux Redemption, where a villain that clearly will never have any chance of redemption, feigns a redemption in some way or actually redeems but for some other reason.

This includes:

This is different from Redemption Rejection, describing villains who are given chances to redeem themselves but outright refuse them.

While self-explanatory some of those villains can be Karma Houdinis.

All items (77)
