Villainous Benchmarks who have died and have remained dead. Death is a common fate for many villains and Villainous Benchmarks are no exception. This category should only include villains that are currently deceased rather than ones who have "died", but then later returned.
Various means how a villain died/remained dead includes:
- Violent Death: A villain winds up killed in a violent or disturbing way, such as fatally incinerated by an explosion, mutilated alive, gunshot to the head, eaten/mauled alive, impaled, crushed by a heavy object, burned to death, completely dissolved, hanged, cut in half, decapitated, etc.
- Died in Honor: The villain has accepted the fact that their demise is inevitable and had enough dignity to face it. Many of the villains who died in this way are honorable ones. Thus, circumstances were included:
- Chooses to Die Rather Than to Be Saved: Honorable villains defeated by the heroes choose to take their own life, preferring to die with honor rather than to live in shame like cowards. When they killed themselves, they can either give the heroes sometime to escape from disaster that they already started but cannot undone it (an example being the battle between the hero and the villain took place in the damaged ship/building that about to explode as result of the villains' own mistake or heroes' effort to foil their evil plan) or have the hero whom defeated the villain gave the villain a mercy killing.
- Heroic Sacrifice: When a villain commits a heroic sacrifice before death, it is regarded as a way of redemption and dying with honor.
- Fought with Honor: Villains who fought with honor in order to avenge, protect, or save others with no fear can die with honor.
- Died in Disgrace: In this case, the villain commits something dishonorable or had no dignity to face their downfall. Related circumstances include:
- Villains who try to kill the heroes after being offered mercy or spared to live, only to end up dying in the process.
- Villains who are killed by their own allies who come to realize just how evil the villain really is.
- Villains who die in an ill-conceived, foolish, and/or desperate attempt on the heroes' life, such as an "I'm taking you with me" type attack that usually backfires, although there are exceptions when they might succeed.
- Villains who try to weasel their way out of their predicament by trying to talk the heroes into mercy, only for the hero to kill them anyway.
- Arrogants or Egotists who spend their last moments questioning on how they could possibly be beaten.
- Villains pleading/begging for their death when they are being suffered/tortured.
- Cowards who try to run away from their problems and kill themselves to avoid punishment.
- Villains who were killed by the powers/weapons/artifacts/beings that they sought, worshipped, used, or even created.
- Former immortals who lose their sources of immortality and face their downfall either immediately or later on in the story.
- Died Offscreen: In many cases, certain villains have met their fate onscreen. But, in this case, the villain's death was not shown but was mentioned by a character that he or she met their fate when no one else was there to see it.
- Deactivation: This is applied for robots or machines that were destroyed/deactivated permanently.
- Cessation of existence: This means that the villain's soul is destroyed permanently, therefore having no afterlife waiting for them.
- Dragged off to the afterlife: This includes mortal beings who were literally dragged alive to a hell-like dimension, end up becoming Damned Souls. Ghosts or spirits, if sent to the spirit world or to an afterlife, count only if they were former mortals beings who passed away. Immortals spirits or others supernatural beings, who are sent back, do not count and should go under imprisoned instead.
- Different types of damnation: This includes villains who became Damned Souls in ways different to being dragged to the afterlife, two examples include dying in a symbolic way of them being damned or being forced into an infinite cycle of deaths.
Undeads cannot count unless they are also killed for good.
By extension, none of the deceased villains can be a Karma Houdini if they have not died of natural causes, no matter their influence on the plot.
Characters who are confirmed dead rather than simply being presumed as much are different; please keep those categories separated.
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