Villainous Benchmark Wiki
ā€œ There will be more innocent blood on your hands, Kenobi, unless you come here, face me. Come alone and if you do not, this world...will burn. ā€ž
~ Darth Maul threatens Obi-Wan Kenobi to come to Raydonia or he will do more death.

Almost Heinous villainous benchmarks are characters who, despite failing the in-story heinous standard, still pass the general standards for their Moral Event Horizon crossings. They are on the same level as Insufficiently Heinous Near Pure Evils, but have too many inhibitions to be fully classified as NPE, while the fact that they don't do enough heinous acts also prevents them from counting as Inconsistently Heinous.

All of the characters in this category are Insufficiently Heinous. However, for Flawed-Embraced, it may not apply if a villain has only four other preventions that don't relate to their heinousness, because everyone knows NPEs can't have more than four preventions, but if failing the heinous standards is one of their five preventions, with the other four being minor redeeming factors or being slightly too comedic/amoral, then they may still qualify as a non-Flawed-Embraced Villainous Benchmark. This is because if they somehow manage to pass the heinous standards, they will only be left with four minor mitigating factors, which isn't enough to make them IH.

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