Villainous Benchmark Wiki

ā€œ This is your captain speaking. I just want everyone to know that last night I caught my wife cheating on me with three black guys. So you're gonna have to bear with me. Prepare the cabin for takeoff. ā€ž
~ The Captain to his passengers.
ā€œ I'm gonna crash it, I'm so sorry. ā€ž
~ The Captain as he crashes the plane.

The Captain is a minor antagonist of the SML plush YouTube series episode Final Destination!.

He is the pilot of a Southwest airplane flying to St. Louis who ends up crashing his plane out of depression from his wife cheating on him.

He is voiced by Anthony Miller.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • Out of his own depression, he crashed his own airplane and killed the 180 passengers inside of it.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • He fails SML's massive Heinous Standards where genocide and mass murder is common.
  • He is not taken seriously as with most SML characters, with his reason for crashing the plane and crying voice being played entirely for laughs.
  • While not excusing him crashing the plane, he is insecure about being cheated on by his wife.
  • He seems to be slightly remorseful about crashing the plane, apologizing before doing so.
  • He is insufficiently characterized due to never appearing.

External Links[]


           SMLLogo Villainous Benchmarks

Bowser | Bowser Junior | Nancy | Does Bad Things Guy | Jeffy | Joseph Hisfriendfromschool | Hank Huckerdoo | Captain | Mr. Winkle | Goodman | Black Yoshi | CJ Winkle | Jeffery Dahmer

See Also
Super Mario Villainous Benchmarks
