Villainous Benchmark Wiki

Boba Fett is a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. Originally codenamed Alpha, he is a pure clone of Jango Fett specifically made to be raised as Jango's own son. As a result, he remains heavily unaltered in contrast to the Clone Troopers and instead retains Jango's original genetic DNA.

Ever since the death of his father, Boba Fett continued on his legacy as a bounty hunter, working alongside various bounty hunters, as well taking on other bounties made available to him. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, Boba Fett became one of the galaxy's most infamous bounty hunters across the outer region.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • Tried to help his father shoot Obi-Wan down on Kamino.
  • He attempted to murder Mace Windu out of revenge for killing his father.
  • Was willing to sell a young girl into slavery despite even Asajj Ventress being disgusted by it.
  • He showed no remorse over the Jedi Purge during Order 66 and believed they had it coming.
  • When he was hired by Darth Vader to find the rebel responsible for destroying the Death Star, he coldly killed several Rodians after they didn't give him the information he needed on finding Luke Skywalker.
    • He also brutally tortured one of Luke's friends when he saw him running and killed him.
  • Tried to kill Luke Skywalker on Bespin.
  • Threatened to kill Grogu if Din doesn't return his armor.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the high heinous standards of the franchise of both the Legends and Canon continuity.
  • He is honorable and kept his word to Din.
    • He also showed sympathy to Viiveenn who lost her doll and hired Boba to get it. When the mission failed, Boba encourage her to never give up on looking for it.
    • He also allowed Cal Kestis to go after he captured Caij Vanda.
  • He is tragic due to watching his father be killed in front of him. He was left to fend for himself at a young age after this and ran into terrible people who later trained him.
  • He showed remorse at times such as after Aurra Sing killed a clone after he refused to. He even gave the location of the other hostage up to the Jedi.
  • He loved his father and was devastated by his death.
  • He is on and off as sometimes he has heroic roles.

External Links[]


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Animated Features
Drake | Colonel Cutter | Mr. Tweedy | Soto | Nana | Victor Quartermaine | Mr. Burns | Megamind | Nigel | Boss Wolf | Drago's Bewilderbeast | King Gristle Sr. | Calvin Fischoeder

Live-Action Features
Tuco Ramirez | Conan Antonio Motti | Nostromo Drone | Boba Fett | Faye Daniels | Firmus Piett | Jabba the Hutt | Jungle Hunter | City Hunter | Darth Maul | Nute Gunray | Poggle the Lesser | Marko Hoxha | Chris Hargensen | Offspring

Animated Television
Mr. Burns | Sideshow Bob | Stewie Griffin | Brian Griffin | Herbert the Pervert | James Woods | Patrick Pewterschmidt | Diane Simmons | Franz Gutentag | Jeffery Fecalman | Sheriff Nichols | Michael Pulaski | Donna Tubbs-Brown | Rallo Tubbs | Calvin Fischoeder | Johann | Alvin the Treacherous

Live-Action Television
Jeannine Kovac

See Also
Batman Villainous Benchmarks | Disney Villainous Benchmarks | DreamWorks Villainous Benchmarks | Family Guy Villainous Benchmarks Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Villainous Benchmarks | Pannonia Film Studio Villainous Benchmarks | Ralph Bakshi Villainous Benchmarks | Shrek Villainous Benchmarks | The Simpsons Villainous Benchmarks | Star Wars Villainous Benchmarks | Tim Burton Villainous Benchmarks | Warner Bros. Villainous Benchmarks

           Disney Logo Villainous Benchmarks

Animated Features
Disney Animated Canon
Gaston LeGume | Jafar | Shenzi, Banzai and Ed | Fates | Cecil Clayton

Oogie Boogie | 2nd Dimension Heinz Doofenshmirtz

Live-Action Features
William Boone | Maccus

Marvel Studios
Loki Laufeyson | Winter Soldier | Baron Zemo | Kaecilius | Surtur | Venom | Abomination

Kylo Ren | Darth Maul

Animated Television

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Asajj Ventress | Darth Maul | Viceroy Nute Gunray | Poggle the Lesser | Tal Merrik | Boba Fett | Son | Jabba the Hutt

Star Wars Rebels
The Grand Inquisitor | Darth Maul | Arihnda Pryce

Gravity Falls
Li'l Gideon | Time Baby

Wander Over Yonder
Lord Hater | Mandrake the Malfeasant | Dr. Screwball Jones | Sourdough the Evil Sandwich | Commander Peepers

Sasha Waybright | Cloak-Bot

Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Crosshair | Lieutenant Nolan | Dr. Royce Hemlock

2nd Dimension Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Ludo | Johnny Worthington III | Kylo Ren | Lord Fathom | Romeo | The Barrister Ghosts | Senator Dagonet

Live-Action Television
Marvel Television
Bill Fisk

Boba Fett | The Third Sister | The Grand Inquisitor

Marvel Studios
Agatha Harkness | Tyler Hayward | Winter Soldier | Baron Zemo | Abomination

Jack Skellington

See Also
20th Century Studios Villainous Benchmarks | DuckTales Villainous Benchmarks | Marvel Cinematic Universe Villainous Benchmarks | Paramount Villainous Benchmarks | Pixar Villainous Benchmarks | Star Wars Villainous Benchmarks | The Lion King Villainous Benchmarks | The Owl House Villainous Benchmarks | Tim Burton Villainous Benchmarks |

           Star Wars logo-1 Villainous Benchmarks

Disney Canon
Confederacy of Independent Systems
Executive Separatist Council (Viceroy Nute Gunray | Archduke Poggle the Lesser)
Officials and Operatives (Senator Tal Merrik | Asajj Ventress)

Galactic Empire
Officials and Military Officers (Admiral Conan Antonio Motti | Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett | Governor Arihnda Pryce | Lieutenant Nolan | Vice Admiral Rampart)
Operatives and Other Officials (Commander Crosshair | Dr. Royce Hemlock)
Inquisitorius (The Grand Inquisitor | The Third Sister | Barriss Offee)
First Order
Kylo Ren
Shadow Collective
Darth Maul

Fett gotra
Boba Fett

Other Sith and Dark Side Force-Users
The Stranger | Barriss Offee | Son | Darth Maul

Bounty Hunters
Boba Fett | Embo

Clone Troopers
Commander Crosshair | Commander Scorch | CX-2

Jabba the Hutt

Legends Canon
Desann | Ulic Qel-Droma
