Villainous Benchmark Wiki

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NOTE: This page is only about the live-action version of Black Noir, as his comic version is a confirmed Pure Evil villain. Therefore, only the actions and information about the live-action counterpart of Black Noir should be here.

Earving, better known as Black Noir, is a major antagonist in the 2019 Amazon TV adaptation of the comic book series The Boys. He was The Seven’s super-powered ninja.

He was portrayed by Nathan Mitchell, while a younger version of him was portrayed by Fritzy-Klevans Destine.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

In General[]

  • As Vought's assassin, he has killed a bunch of people in the past.
  • He further pushed Homelander's descent into villainy and covered up his crimes and terrible actions.


  • It was mentioned that when he was nine, he paralyzed a child, though it could have been unintentional.
  • He hatched the plan and helped give Soldier Boy to the Russians, although he deserved it.

The Boys: Diabolical[]

  • He ties a terrorist to a tank at the power plant and leads Homelander into killing him and blowing up the power plant.
  • He snaps a hostage's neck to make sure she doesn't get out about the massacre.
  • He has Homelander lie out the power plant explosion to make sure that his identity as a hero is safe.

Season 1[]

  • He attempts to kill Frenchie and when Kimiko interferes, he attacks and mutilates her.

Season 2[]

  • He kills Naqib and his men, splitting one's face open and beheading Naqib himself.
  • He tracks down and attacks the boys, gassing them and almost killing Mother Milk and Butcher.
  • He gasses a crowded cafe and kidnaps Starlight.
  • He attacks Starlight and almost strangles her to death before Maeve interferes.

Season 3[]

  • He kidnaps and locks up Maeve in a cell.

Why Doesn't he Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the massively high heinous standard of the series, where Homelander, Stormfront, and even Soldier Boy have done far worse than him, to the point where his lower resources don't even matter.
  • He is tragic as he was heavily abused by Soldier Boy, and when he finally did something about it, he was brutally attacked and disfigured, leaving him permanently mute.
  • Because he has severe brain damage and is schizophrenic, he has clear agency issues, pretty much having the mind of a child.
  • He is genuinely affable especially with his colleagues, he gave sympathy to the Deep after his dolphin Lucy died. Besides, he had a genuine friendship with Homelander as he helped cover up his crimes out of genuine kindness instead of just killing him like he was assigned to do. He also hugged him and was happy to see him when they reunited and it's implied that he kept the secret of Soldier Boy being his father to keep him from him.
  • He had a pet-the-dog moment where he was playing with the play bunny trying to humor and cheer up a kid (the son of a man he just murdered but good intentions.)
  • He is a scapegoat, because his death is played for sympathy as he is betrayed and killed by an unforgiving Homelander and is comforted by his hallucinations as he goes into the Light.


  • Only his TV series counts as a Villainous Benchmark as his original comic version is Pure Evil due to his utter lack of redeeming and sympathetic qualities along with committing far more heinous crimes.

External Links[]


           The Boys Villainous Benchmarks Villainous Benchmarks

The Seven
A-Train | Black Noir | The Deep | Lamplighter | Firecracker

Soldier Boy | Black Noir

Ashley Barrett | Blue Hawk | Billy Butcher
