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Belicho Paenymion is a minor antagonist in the series A Song of Ice and Fire and it's television adaptation Game of Thrones. he is a prominent noble of the Free City of Volantis, and a member of the "Old Blood".

This character is unique to the TV series, although he has parallel characters in the novels. He was portrayed by Eddie Jackson.

His Evil Ranking[]

His Villainous Deeds[]

  • He helps finance the terrorist organization of Sons of the Harpies.
  • He arrives on a mission alongside Razdal mo Eraz and Yezzan zo Qaggaz to meet with Tyrion Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen's assistants, and as a condition for ending support for terrorism, they force Tyrion to restore slavery in Meereen for a few years.
  • Along with the other gentlemen, he violates the agreement reached and bombards Meereen's fleet before starting the war on Meereen.
  • When Daenerys comes to negotiate with them they force her to withdraw from the city, restore slavery and kill her two dragons trapped inside the pyramids.
  • When Tyrion and Gray Worm are ordered to kill one of them, he and Razdel sacrifice Yezzan only because he is of inferior origin. However Gray Worm kills them both on the spot, as they deserve.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • While his crimes of mass slavery are certainly bad enough to pass the baseline, they are not unique in the world of Game of Thrones and thus he fails the heinous standards to Razdal mo Eraz who, in addition to these crimes, also tried to prevent Yunkai's release and tried to turn the second sons against Daenerys' army.

External Links[]


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The Reach
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Free Cities
Belicho Paenymion | Daario Naharis | Illyrio Mopatis | Waif | Sorcerer

Dothraki Sea
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Slaver's Bay
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See Also
Warner Bros. Villainous Benchmarks
