Baobhan Sith, also known by her gifted name Tam Lin Tristan, is a major antagonist of Losbelt No. 6: Fae Round Table Domain, Avalon Le Fae from TYPE-MOON's mobile game Fate/Grand Order. She's one of the Knights of the Round Table of Faerie Britain alongside Melusine and Barghest who serve Queen Morgan, who's also her adoptive mother and treats her as the future successor of the throne. Her event appearances include "Artic Summer World", "Chaldea Fairy Knight Cup", and a major role in "Servant Summer Festival! 2023" as the Pretender-Class servant Cait Cu Cerpriestess and "Mystic Eyes Symphony" as its mastermind in order to get pictures of all Chaldea's servants' feet.
She is voiced by Waki Azumi.
Her Evil Ranking[]
Debatable Validations[]
- While throughout the British Lostbelt's storyline Baobhan Sith shows to be clearly in love with Beryl and even considers him a soulmate due to their shared love for chaos and suffering, in Chaldea her love for him is never shown again and he's only ever mentioned in her profile in the section which tells about the time he introduced her to Proper Human History and its stories. But what prevents her affection for the Crypter to have likely been subverted is that she never realizes that he used her as a pawn for his own ends and that she doesn't show any signs of having learned about his betrayal neither after being summoned.
- Although in her final moments she appears to show some sympathy for Cernunnos as she prays to him due to how similar their backstories are and the fact he clearly abhors Britain's fairies as much as she herself does, its unknown if Baobhan Sith actually knew about his true backstory of him being mercilessly betrayed by the six original fairies or if she was merely begging him to bring Fairy Britain down with her due to knowing about the prophecy that he would awaken someday and bring forth the extinction of all fairykind.
Her Villainous Deeds[]
In General[]
- While her cruelty and selfishness are result of her upbringing by Morgan in order to survive in Fairy Britain and the misguided belief it will please her mother, this doesn't make her a villain by proxy as Baobhan Sith's sadism is shown to be 100% genuine and embraced with gusto as she feels an instictual, deep-seated hatred towards her fellow fairies that urges her to torment them the entire time, meaning that she's still responsible for her crimes to a certain extent.
- She overall kills and tortures fairies and humans alike indiscriminately out of pure sadism in response for the abuse she suffered in the past and in hopes of pleasing Morgan.
- Sometime before being given her gifted name, she inadvertly caused the Calamity of Ressurrection upon drinking the blood of corpses under Lord Grimalkin's request, causing them to rise from the grave and overrun Darlington leaving no survivors. Although it was completely unintentional and Baobhan Sith later desperately apologizes Morgan, claiming that it only happened because the now deceased Grimalkin insisted her to make more moving corpses out of fascination, this was likely not out of remorse for the lives that were lost in the incident, but rather out of fear of disappointing her mother for the damage she ended up causing.
- As Tam Lin Tristan, Baobhan Sith killed over 400.00 fairies for over a century, becoming reviled by the entire kingdom.
- Inspired by Beryl's stories of Proper Human History, she opens alongside him the New Darlington's Slaughter House Theatre, where humans without fairy masters are sent to fight against each other and those who lose are murdered as punishment.
Avalon Le Fay[]
- In her first appearance, she crashes a meeting between Morgan and her subordinates, kills several officials by making them jump off the window behind the throne against their will, and then makes the survivors sing her praises all simply because she could.
- During her final moments she is mentioned to have already tossed a fair share of the fairy folk out the same window before.
- In her first meeting with the party, she taunts and messes with Altria Caster without any need despite feeling no actual revulsion towards her unlike with most fairies.
- Steals the Garden of Lost Will on a desperate attempt to defeat Altria Caster and prove her superiority.
- Aided Beryl in torturing Woodwose via Fetch Magecraft, cementing the lie Morgan wanted him dead. While she was unaware of the Crypter's true intentions in doing so, she nonetheless did it in hopes of impressing him and for her own sick amusement.
- In her final moments before falling into the Great Pit, she curses all fairykind by pleading Cernunnos to inflict divine retribution on them, which reactivates his divine core and thus makes her responsible for his awakening indirectly responsible for his rampage on Fairy Britain.
- She is stated to have a collection of severed fairy feet decorating her room in the Camelot Castle.
- Even after her redemption once she is summoned in Chaldea, she retains her love for violence and mischeivousness, and feels no remorse for her past actions.
Why She Doesn't Stand Out?[]
- Despite easily passing the general baseline, she still fails the astronomical in-story heinous standards of Fate/Grand Order which is a game full of genocidal tyrants, terrorists, mass murderers and cataclysmic threats, therefore her crimes are commonplace villainy in-universe and her worst actions rely fridge horror, given how she killed over 400.000+ fairies offscreen without any on-screen evidence being given, aside from the scorn of Fairy Britain's population; as well as the extent of her agency in Cernunnos' apocalyptic rampage on the Lostbelt, aside from being responsible for the latter's revival and reactivating his divine core, being extremely ambiguous.
- Overall, Baobhan Sith an anti-villainess and a scapegoat who in spite of all her crimes, she is by no means deserving of any of the misfortunes she suffered throughout the British Lostbelt's storyline. For starters she is extremely tragic, with her backstory and suffering throughout the chapter being played way too sympathetically:
- One century before the Lostbelt's events, she was a kind and gentle fairy who lived with the purpose of helping her fellow fairies in order to make them happy. However, the other fairies constantly shunned her due to her vampiric nature which they deemed to be low-class and took advantage of her generosity effectively giving her a life full of suffering, pain and misery which would always end with her dying with all her four limbs mangled. Unfortunately, due to the reincarnative immortality innate of her fairy nature, she would always come back to life and this torturous cycle would repeat again.
- Although she hated the way the other fairies treated her, she nonetheless supressed said hatred and remained devoted to her desire of helping them, causing her to die several times until she's revived and adopted by Morgan -whom she had met in one of her previous incarnations while the former was still known as Aesc the Savior and thanked for dispelling the calamities-, who realized that she wouldn't be able to self-ressurect anymore due to her soul becoming too broken and taught her to be cruel in order to survive in that world and live happily, even for only once.
- During her time as Morgan's successor, Baobhan Sith would live plagued by insecurities and paranoia of losing her mother's affection, who despite truly loving her more than Britain itself, was too desensitized with the world to show it properly. Her paranoia would eventually reach its peak with the arrival of the Child of Prophecy, Altria Caster, whom Baobhan Sith wrongfully deemed a threat to her position and sought to defeat in order to prove her superiority, with much of her following misfortunes being result of her one-sided rivalry with the Avalon Le Fae.
- After she is defeated for the second time by Altria Caster in Gloucester, Baobhan Sith loses her gifted name, causing the fairies watching the fight to remember her true identity and her past as a prostitute in Darlington and use it to mock her and by extention Morgan, going as far as too blame them both for the Calamity of Resurrection and for the deceased Lord Grimalkin becoming a Nightcall, which kickstarts her descent into madness.
- She is tricked by Beryl into using Fetch magecraft for him, causing her soul to rot as side effect.
- She loses Morgan's Divine Protection after stealing the Garden of Lost Will and using it in her third and final attempt to defeat Altria and Chaldea, causing the side effects of the Fetch magecraft in her sould and body to further advance.
- During the final battle at Camelot Castle, she is held hostage by Spriggan to distract Morgan in order to take the latter down without fighting her directly, and is powerlessly forced to watch as her mother is brutally lynched by the mob of the court fairies in a inhumanly painful way.
- Finally, she is mutilated and tossed away from the throne room by the court fairies for her involvement in Morgan's tyrany, but unfortunately, she survives. Having been pushed beyond all reason and lost her will to live, Baobhan Sith flungs herself into the Great Pit in hopes of ending her suffering, awakening Cernunnos in the process.
- To further add insult to injury, her third ascension, which would be her true form as a servant; is the form she would have taken in the aftermath of all the aforementioned events, with her previous two ascensions being some sort of dream based on her records of the Fairy Kingdom she was having upon being summoned in Chaldea. In this form, Baobhan Sith's sense of self grows unstable as result of how all the trauma she was forced to endure, the overuse of the Fetch magecraft rotting her soul and her undying hatred for fairies scarred her mentality, causing her memory to become fuzzy as she is unable to recall many things about herself such as her likes and dislikes and the events of the British Lostbelt after her adoption by Morgan. Although she shows signs of gradual recovery after reaching her forth and last ascension, which she thanks the player for helping her remember what the fairies did to her and Morgan.
- To put it buntly simple, no matter what nor how many atrocities she committed, in the end Baobhan Sith suffered FAR WORSE than her victims, with her trajectory starting in tragedy only to have a miserably pointless ending as she failed to accomplish anything, lost everything that made her life still worth living by the hands of the same people she always hated and tormented over a century as payback, and died completely unhappy and unloved, with not even her post-summon redemption where, like the rest of the British Lostbelt's servants, she supposedly gets her "forsaken" happy ending in Chaldea preventing her from being a scapegoat.
- She has sympathetic insecurities regarding to her mother's love for her given prior to her adoption, Baobhan Sith only ever knew the scorn, hatred and disdain from her fellow fairies and never knew how badly she needed the affection of others, and thus when she received Morgan's love for the first time, she began craving for more of it and even grew more and more paranoid over the time with the possibility of being disowned by her mother. Overall, all the death and suffering Baobhan Sith inflicts on her fellow fairies is not motivated solely by revenge and personal sadism, but also by the desire of gaining her mother's approval and the fear of disappointing her. Furthermore, her one-sided rivalry with Altria Caster is also fueled by the misguided belief that due to the latter also being Morgan's daughter by fairy standards, she would be a threat to her position as the Fairy Queen successor.
- She has moral agency issues because as a fairy, she's naturally more "innocent" and "pure" than a human being, and thus she's completely capricious, is unable to perceive her actions as neither right or wrong, and acts impulsively without thinking about the long-term consequences due to always wanting instant gratification.
- An example of this is the fact Baobhan Sith kept killing fairies believing she would please Morgan because the latter once praised her when she did it for the first time, and whenever Morgan scolded her for causing wanton chaos and suffering (while being unable to understand her own failures as a mother for having simply conditioned her daughter to be cruel so she wouldn't get hurt without raising her properly), asking why she was like this, Baobhan Sith was unable to understand her words and simply assumed she had to be crueler.
- Said issues are further magnified in her two final ascensions due to the sheer amount of insanity detaching her from reality and her unstable sense of self.
- She genuinely loves her mother Morgan, having killed and tortured many fairies under the misguided belief that it would please her and having her will to live shattered for good upon seeing her die.
- She redeems herself if summoned in Chaldea and, just like all servants from the British Lostbelt, she gets a better life, makes peace with her rival Altria Caster and even befriends other servants like Galatea and Gray as well.
- In her 8th dialogue voiceline which becomes available if you have Morgan and have cleared Avalon Le Fae, Baobhan Sith comments that her mother feels more like a lion rather than a cat, showing that Morgan is now willing to make up for all the parental neglect she put her through.
- She is one of two Fate/Grand Order villains, so far, to be Villainous Benchmark, along with Ereshkigal.
External Links[]
- Baobhan Sith on the Villains Wiki
- Baobhan Sith on the TYPE-MOON Wiki
- Baobhan Sith on the Fate/Grand Order Wiki